Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Managing Services | Managing Global Variables | Creating a Global Variable
Creating a Global Variable
You can create global variables using Integration Server Administrator. The location where Integration Server saves a global variable depends on whether it is a server-level or package-level global variable.
*For server-level global variables, the variable definition is saved in:
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\config\globalVariables.cnf
*For package-level global variables, the variable definition is saved in the package in:
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\package_name\config\globalVariables.cnf
When you create global variables, keep the following points in mind:
*Global variables can only be used to specify values for variables of type String, String List, and String Table.
*Global variable names:
*Cannot include any special characters except period (.) and underscore (_).
*Can be of a maximum length of 255 characters.
*Are case-sensitive.
*Must be unique within the same scope. For example, two global variables within the same package cannot be identical. For more information on how to specify the global variable that a service should use, see IBM webMethods Service Development Help.
*If the global variable you are creating is a password, Integration Server encrypts and saves it using OPE (outbound password encryption).
*Global variable value can be of a maximum length of 255 characters.
*When editing a global variable, you can modify only the Value field.
*Global variables can have empty values.
*Global variables must be identical on all Integration Servers in a cluster.
*You can deploy global variables by using IBM webMethods Deployer. For information about using Deployer, see the IBM webMethods Deployer User’s Guide.
*You can use global variable substitution when debugging a service.
*To create a global variable
1. Open Integration Server Administrator.
2. Go to Settings > Global variables.
3. Click Add Global Variable.
4. Under Global Variable provide the following information:
Is Password?
Whether the global variable you are defining is a password or not.
If the Is Password check box is selected, the text that you enter in the Value field is entered as a password, with asterisks indicating the input instead of characters. Integration Server encrypts and saves the text that you enter in the Value field as an outbound password.
A package to which you save the global variable definition. If you specify a package, Integration Server creates a package-level global variable. If you do not specify a package, Integration Server creates a server-level global variable.
A name for the global variable. Integration Server uses this key to refer to the global variable while performing global variable substitution.
Value for the global variable.
5. Click Save Changes.