Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Managing Notifications | Overview
Notifications provide visibility into events inside Integration Server and help administrators observe system behavior, identify issues, and take appropriate actions to minimize any service degradation or disruption.
Notifications are displayed in Integration Server Administrator when system-defined or user-defined criteria are met. For example, a notification about a user's password expiry is generated depending on the value of the Expiration Email Remainders field on the Security > User management > Password expiration settings page. The default value of Expiration Email Remainders is 3, which indicates that a notification about the user's password expiry is displayed three days before the password expires.
Notifications are generated in scenarios such as:
*A user's password expires or is about to expire.
*A master password expires or is about to expire.
*Default administrator password is not changed.
*Default outbound master password is not changed.
*The default password for a built-in user account is not changed.
*Integration Server license expires or is about to expire.
*A configured SSL certificate expires or is about to expire.
*Multiple login attempt failures result in a locked account.
*A locked account is unlocked.
*A server configuration parameter is modified and requires a restart.
*A change in the JDBC or LDAP configuration that requires a server restart.
*Login failure limited is reached.
*Errors related to the metering agent server.
You can access the notifications by clicking . If there are unread messages, the icon displays the count.