Integration Server 11.1 | JMS Client Development Guide | Exactly-Once Processing for JMS Triggers | Document Resolver Service for a JMS Trigger | Document Resolver Service and Exceptions for a JMS Trigger
Document Resolver Service and Exceptions for a JMS Trigger
At run time, a document resolver service might end because of an exception. How Integration Server proceeds depends on the type of exception and how the JMS trigger is configured to handle transient errors.
*If the document resolver service ends with an ISRuntimeException, and transient error handling for the JMS trigger is configured to Suspend and retry later (non-transacted JMS trigger) or Suspend and recover (transacted JMS trigger), Integration Server suspends the trigger and schedules a system task to execute the trigger’s resource monitoring service (if one is specified). Integration Server enables the trigger and retries trigger execution when the resource monitoring service indicates that the resources used by the trigger are available.
If a resource monitoring service is not specified, you will need to resume the trigger manually (via the Integration Server Administrator or the pub.trigger:enableJMSTriggers service). For more information about configuring a resource monitoring service, see Building a Resource Monitoring Service.
*If the document resolver service ends with an ISRuntimeException, and transient error handling for the JMS trigger is configured to Throw exception (non-transacted JMS trigger) or Recover only (transacted JMS trigger), Integration Server assigns the document a status of In Doubt, acknowledges the document, and generates a JMS retrieval failure event.
*If the document resolver service ends with an exception other than an ISRuntimeException, Integration Server assigns the message a status of In Doubt, acknowledges the message, and generates a JMS retrieval failure event.
The watt.server.jms.trigger.raiseEventOnRetryFailure property must be set to true (the default) for Integration Server to generate JMS retrieval failure events.