Integration Server 11.1 | Clustering Guide | Installation and Setup | Installing and Setting Up the Integration Servers in a Stateful or Stateless Cluster | Enabling Clustering for a Stateful Cluster
Enabling Clustering for a Stateful Cluster
After you ensure that Integration Server has the appropriate environment, you can add it to the cluster by configuring the server to use clustering.
Keep the following points in mind when enabling clustering for an Integration Server.
*You must complete the setup steps described in Setting up the Terracotta Server Array for Use by the Cluster of Integration Servers before you enable clustering on the Integration Servers.
*To be in the same cluster, Integration Servers must use the same Terracotta Server Array URLs and the same cluster name.
*An enterprise can have more than one cluster. To isolate multiple clusters on the same network, each cluster must have a different cluster name or different Terracotta Server Array or both.
*You must have IBM webMethods Integration Server administrator privileges to enable clustering. If you do not have administrator privileges, have your IBM webMethods Integration Server administrator perform this procedure.
*To enable clustering
1. In Integration Server Administrator, go to Settings > Clustering > Edit Cluster Settings > Enable Cluster and specify the following:
For this parameter
Cluster Name
Name of the cluster to which this Integration Server belongs.
Keep the following in mind when specifying the cluster name:
*The cluster name cannot include any periods “.”. Integration Server converts any periods in the name to underscores when you save the cluster configuration.
*The cluster name cannot exceed 32 characters. If it does, Integration Server uses the first 20 characters of the supplied name and then a hash for the remaining characters.
If you specify a name that does not already exist, Terracotta Server Array creates a new cache manager for each system cache manager on Integration Server. Terracotta Server Array appends the cluster name to the name of the system cache manager. System cache managers begin with SoftwareAG. For example, if you name the cluster “myCluster” the system cache manager SoftwareAG.IS.Core becomes SoftwareAG.IS.Core.myCluster.
If you specify the name of a cluster that already exists and specify the same Terracotta Server Array URL used by the existing cluster name, the caching software adds this Integration Server to that cluster.
Session Timeout
Number of minutes an inactive session will be retained in the clustered session store. The default is 60.
Set the clustered session timeout value to be longer than the session timeout value, which governs how long a server keeps session information in its memory. (Integration Server Administrator displays the session timeout on the Settings > Resources page.)
Action on Startup Error
How Integration Server responds when an error at start up prevents Integration Server from joining the cluster. Select one of the following
Start as Stand-Alone Integration Server
Integration Server starts as a stand-alone, unclustered Integration Server if it encounters any errors that prevent it from joining the cluster at start up. Integration Server continues to receive requests on inbound ports and serve requests. This is the default.
Shut Down Integration Server
Integration Server shuts down if it encounters any errors that prevent it from joining the cluster at start up.
Enter Quiesce Mode on Stand-Alone Integration Server
Integration Server starts as a stand-alone, unclustered Integration Server in quiesce mode if it encounters any errors that prevent it from joining the cluster at start up. When Integration Server is in quiesce mode, only the diagnostic port and quiesce port are enabled.
For more information about the Action on Startup Error options, see About Action on Startup Error Options.
Terracotta Server Array URLs
A comma separated list of the URLs for the Terracotta Server Array to be used with the cluster to which this Integration Server belongs.
The URLs must be in the following format: host:port
2. Click Save Settings and then restart the Integration Server.
3. In Integration Server Administrator, go to Settings > Clustering and verify that all nodes in the cluster are displayed under Cluster Hosts.