Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Setting Up HTTP URL Aliases | Creating an HTTP URL Alias | Using Port Mappings with a URL Alias | Adding a Port Mapping to a URL Alias
Adding a Port Mapping to a URL Alias
You can create multiple port mappings for a URL alias. Keep the following points in mind when defining a port mapping for a URL alias:
*You can define a port mapping for a URL alias created in Integration Server Administrator only. You cannot define a port mapping for URL alias defined for a service using Designer.
*Incoming requests with the URL alias received on a port for which there is not a port mapping resolve to the path specified in the Default URL Path field. If the alias does not specify a Default URL Path value, Integration Server uses the alias as the URL path.
*To add a port mapping to a URL alias
1. Open Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Settings > URL aliases.
3. In the HTTP URL Alias list, select the URL alias for which you want to define port mappings.
4. Under Port Mappings, in the New Port Number list, select the port for which you want to specify an alternate destination. Integration Server lists all of the defined HTTP and HTTPS ports.
5. In the New URL Path field, specify the path to resource that you want to use as the destination. The URL path cannot include a space or the following characters: # % ? ’ “ < \
For information about how to specify different resources, see Specifying the URL Path.
6. Under Add Mapping, click add icon to add the port mapping to the alias.
7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each port for which you want to specify a different destination than that in the Default URL Path field.
8. Click Save Changes.