Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Setting Up HTTP URL Aliases | Enabling Partial Matching of URL Aliases
Enabling Partial Matching of URL Aliases
In some cases, URL requests include identifiers for a particular resource. Because these identifiers vary for each instance of a resource, URL requests might not exactly match any of the defined URL aliases for a particular resource. To enable you to define URL aliases for such resources, Integration Server can use partial matching to process URL requests. A partial match occurs when a request URL matches or begins with only part of a URL alias.
When partial matching is enabled and Integration Server receives a request URL, an alias is considered a match if the entire alias matches all or the beginning of the request URL, starting with the first character of the request URL's path.
For example, if URL alias a2 has a URL path of rest/purchasing/invoice and Integration Server receives the following request URL:
The request URL matches the a2 alias and resolves to the path: http://MyHost:5555/rest/purchasing/invoice/75909.
Integration Server retains the trailing characters of the request URL. In this case, Integration Server retains the /75909.
If you want to use URL alias with a REST resource configured using the legacy approach, you must enable partial matching of URL aliases. For information about defining URL aliases for REST resources, see IBM webMethods Service Development Help .
*To enable Integration Server to use partial matching of URL requests
1. Open Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Settings > Extended.
3. Click Edit Extended Settings.
4. Add the following to the Extended Settings box: watt.server.url.alias.partialMatching=true.
5. Click Save Changes.
6. Restart Integration Server.