Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | The HTTP Log | Legacy Log Format
Legacy Log Format
The legacy log format for the http log is the original custom format provided by Integration Server. Because the legacy format does not include the Client IP address it is not as useful as the Common Log Format or Custom Log format.
Each line of the http log in the legacy log format contains five fields.
bytes elapsedTime host authuser url
Integration Server use the legacy log format for the http log when watt.server.httplog is set to custom.
The following table describes the fields in the legacy log format.
Size of the data (in bytes) in the response. This is either the current size of the in-memory byte buffer or the size of the input stream.
Time (in milliseconds) it took Integration Server to process the request. This value does not include transport time.
IP address of the Integration Server.
Username provided by the client for authentication. If the request does not include credentials for the client, the authuser value is Default.
The path of the URL requested by the client.
Following is an example of the http log in the legacy log format.
158 3671 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 Administrator invoke/wm.server/ping
2673 2089 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 Administrator invoke/pub.flow/getTransportInfo
137 2110 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 Administrator invoke/pub.math/randomDouble
2489 24 Default invoke/pub.flow/getTransportInfo