Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | The HTTP Log | About the HTTP Log
About the HTTP Log
The HTTP log contains a single entry for each HTTP/S request/response pair received by Integration Server. Each entry contains information about the request/response pair such as the time of the request, the request processing time, and the size of the response.
Integration Server supports the following http log formats:
*Common Log Format
*Combined Log Format
*Legacy log format provided in earlier versions of Integration Server.
*Extended Log Format
The Common Log Format and Combined Log Format are standardized text file formats used by web servers when generating log files for the server. Web and log analysis programs are available for analyzing files in the Common Log Format and Combined Log Format.
The legacy format is the original HTTP log format provided with Integration Server. It does not include the client IP address, which can be a significant shortcoming during debugging.
The client IP address can be particularly helpful when debugging an issue where Integration Server processes requests in an unexpected or incorrect way. Requests to Integration Server can be from a variety of sources such as other IBM products, a custom application, another Integration Server in the enterprise, or an external server. Consequently, it is helpful to know from where the request originates.
Integration Server stores the http.log file in the following directory Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\logs. The http.log file is created separately from the data captured in the server log. Integration Server rotates the http log at the interval set by the watt.server.statsLogRotateInterval parameter, renaming the current http.log file to have the archive file name and starting a new http.log file. The archive file names include the date indicating when the log file was rotated, resulting in the name format httpyyyymmdd_hhmmss.log.
Integration Server does not perform http logging by default. You can enable http logging by setting a value for the watt.server.httplog server configuration parameter. The watt.server.httplog value also determines the format of the http log.