Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | How Integration Server Determines which Operation to Invoke | Fallback Mechanisms for Determining the Operation | Duplicate SOAP Action
Duplicate SOAP Action
If multiple operations share the same SOAP action value, Integration Server determines the operation to invoke by examining the fully qualified name (namespace name and local name) of the first element in the SOAP body.
Integration Server compares the element name to the expected first element for an operation. For operations with a Document style, the expected first element is the first part element declared for the operation’s input message in the WSDL document. For operations with an RPC style, the expected first element will have the same name as the operation in the WSDL document. Integration Server then invokes the IS service that corresponds to this operation.
If, after searching for the fully qualified name of the first element in the SOAP body, Integration Server cannot determine the operation to invoke, Integration Server returns a SOAP fault to the web service client.