Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | How Integration Server Builds Consumer and Provider Endpoint URLs | How Integration Server Builds the Provider Endpoint URL
How Integration Server Builds the Provider Endpoint URL
When creating a WSDL for a provider web service descriptor, Integration Server determines the host and port portions of the endpoint URL using information from one of the following:
*Provider web service endpoint alias assigned to the Port alias property for the binder, which could be the default provider endpoint alias for Integration Server. For information about setting the default provider endpoint alias, see Setting a Default Endpoint Alias for Provider Web Service Descriptors.
*Port address property value specified for the binder.
*Integration Server hostname and primary port.
Integration Server determines the host and port portions of the endpoint URL as follows:
Step 1
If a provider web service endpoint alias is specified for the Port alias property of the binder, Integration Server uses the host name and port from the provider web service endpoint alias in the endpoint URL.
If the Port alias property is set to DEFAULT (aliasName) where aliasName is the name of the provider endpoint alias set as the default for the protocol used by the binder, Integration Server uses the host name and port from aliasName in the endpoint URL.
Step 2
If a provider web service endpoint alias is not specified for the Port alias property of the binder nor is the property set to DEFAULT (aliasName), Integration Server uses the host name and port from the Port address property.
A blank value for Port alias indicates that there is not a default provider endpoint alias for the protocol used by the binder.
If the Port alias property is blank and later a default web service provider endpoint alias is set for the protocol used by the binder, Integration Server uses the host name and port from the default provider endpoint alias in the endpoint URL.
Step 3
If a provider web service endpoint alias is not specified for the Port alias property of the binder nor is the property set to DEFAULT (aliasName) and the Port address property does not have a value, Integration Server uses the Integration Server host name and primary port.
The following table shows how Integration Server determines the host and port portions in the URL for the soap:address element for a binding:
Provider Web Service Endpoint Alias specified?
Port Address specified?
Endpoint URL uses...
aliasName or DEFAULT(aliasName)
Hostname and port from provider web service endpoint alias aliasName
Yes, aliasName or DEFAULT(aliasName)
Hostname and port from provider web service endpoint alias aliasName
Port address hostname and port
If a default provider endpoint alias is later set for Integration Server, the endpoint URL uses the hostname and port from the default provider endpoint alias.
Integration Server hostname and primary port
If a default provider endpoint alias is later set for Integration Server, the endpoint URL uses the hostname and port from the default provider endpoint alias.