Integration Server 11.1 | Web Services Developer’s Guide | How Integration Server Builds Consumer and Provider Endpoint URLs | How Integration Server Builds the Consumer Endpoint URL
How Integration Server Builds the Consumer Endpoint URL
How the Consumer Web Service Endpoint Alias Affects the Endpoint URL
When invoking a web service connector, Integration Server constructs the endpoint URL using the following pieces of information:
*The port address specified by the location attribute in the WSDL from which the consumer WSD was created.
*The value of the _url input parameter passed in to the web service connector.
*The value of the endpointAlias input parameter passed in to the web service connector.
*The consumer web service endpoint alias specified in the binding of the consumer WSD.
The value of the _url parameter and the assigned consumer web service endpoint alias can determine the URL used to invoke the web service operation. That is, the _url parameter and the consumer web service endpoint alias can override all or portions of the endpoint URL specified in the WSDL.
Integration Server builds the endpoint URL at run time as follows:
Step 1
Determine the initial URL
If a value is specified for the _url input parameter for a web service connector, that value overrides the entire endpoint URL as specified in the original WSDL. Otherwise, Integration Server uses the endpoint URL from the original WSDL.
Step 2
Check the web service connector signature input
If a value is specified for the endpointAlias input parameter for a web service connector, that value overrides the endpoint alias as specified in the original WSDL.
Step 3
Override the host/port portion of the URL.
If a consumer web service endpoint alias is assigned to the binder for the invoked operation, the endpoint alias host and/or port information overrides the host and/or port information in the URL resulting from Step 1. For more information about how Integration Server uses the host and/or port information to construct the endpoint URL, see How the Consumer Web Service Endpoint Alias Affects the Endpoint URL.