Integration Server 11.1 | Microservices Runtime Guide | Monitoring Microservices Runtime | About the Health Gauge | Health Indicator Properties
Health Indicator Properties
Configuring Health Indicator Properties
Some of the health indicators have a configurable property that determines when a health indicator returns a status of UP or DOWN. For example, the ServiceThreads health indicator has the Available threads threshold which specifies the percentage of the server threads that must be available for the indicator to return a status of UP. You can edit the threshold to tailor the indicator to your environment.
The following table identifies the configurable properties for the predefined health indicators.
Health Indicator
Property Name
Number of cluster hosts
Specify the minimum number of cluster members that must be available for the Cluster health indicator to return a status of UP. When the number of servers in the cluster is less than the specified minimum number, the Cluster health indicator returns a status of DOWN. The default is 2.
Free disk space threshold (as percentage of maximum available disk space)
Specify the percentage of free disk space out of the maximum available disk space above which the Diskspace health indicator returns a status of UP. When free disk space on the host or container on which Microservices Runtime resides is less than or equal to the specified percentage, the Diskspace health indicator returns a status of DOWN. The default is 10 percent.
Free memory threshold (as percentage of maximum memory)
Specify the percentage of free memory above which the Memory health indicator returns a status of UP. When free JVM memory for Microservices Runtime is less than or equal to the specified percentage, the Memory health indicator returns a status of DOWN. The default is 10 percent.
Available threads threshold (as percentage of maximum server threads)
Specify the percentage of available server threads in the server thread pool at which the ServiceThread health indicator returns a status of UP. When the percentage of available threads is less than or equal to the specified percentage, the ServiceThread health indicator returns a status of DOWN. The default is 10 percent.
Used licenses threshold (as percentage of total licensed sessions)
Specify the percentage of used licensed sessions at which the Sessions health indicator returns a status of DOWN. When the percentage of available licensed sessions is less than or equal to the specified percentage, the Sessions health indicator returns a status of DOWN. The default is 85 percent.