Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring a Central User Directory or LDAP | Configuring Central User Management | Considerations for IBM My webMethods Server Query Roles
Considerations for IBM My webMethods Server Query Roles
Integration Server can slow or terminate unexpectedly when handling service invocations if Integration Server has to evaluate all roles defined in IBM My webMethods Server, including LDAP query and database query roles. You might encounter this issue when invoking Integration Server services using WS Client Connectors from a CAF application, especially if the following conditions are true:
*When there are LDAP query and database query roles defined in IBM My webMethods Server.
*Common Users is enabled in Integration Server.
*The services have ACLs assigned to them.
Evaluation of these roles depend on external query execution and might impact Integration Server performance.
You can control whether Integration Server evaluates LDAP or database query roles in the server using the watt.cds.skip.role.types extended setting. If LDAP or database query roles are not used for any ACL management in Integration Server with Central Users enabled, you might consider disabling the query roles evaluation function.
For more information about using the watt.cds.skip.role.types extended setting, see Server Configuration Parameters.