Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring a Central User Directory or LDAP | Considerations for User Accounts and Groups | About Keeping Internal and External User Accounts and Group Names Unique
About Keeping Internal and External User Accounts and Group Names Unique
IBM recommends that you keep user names and group names unique between internal and external user accounts and groups. Having an external user account that has the same user name as an internal user account, or an external group with the same group name as an internal group might get confusing. If you do have identically named user names or group names, the server always uses the internally-defined information.
To avoid confusion, IBM recommends that you do not set up user accounts or groups internally if you are using an external directory. The exceptions are the predefined user accounts Default, Administrator, Developer, Replicator, and the predefined groups Everybody, Administrators, Developers, Replicators, and Anonymous. You cannot delete these user accounts and groups; therefore, make sure the internal accounts and groups have the correct definitions.
An exception to the above diagram is that all internally-defined users are members of the internally-defined Everybody group.