Integration Server 11.1 | Publish-Subscribe Developer’s Guide | Exactly-Once Processing for Documents Received by IBM webMethods Messaging Triggers | Overview of Exactly-Once Processing | Document History Database | Documents without UUIDs
Documents without UUIDs
The UUID is the universally unique identifier that distinguishes a document from other documents. The publisher is responsible for assigning a UUID to a document. However, some publishing clients might not assign a UUID to a document. For example, the 6.0.1 version of Integration Server does not assign a UUID when publishing a document.
Integration Server requires the UUID to create and find entries in the document history database. Therefore, if the server receives a document that does not have a UUID, it creates a UUID using one of the following values from the document envelope:
*If the trackID field contains a value, the server uses the trackID value as the UUID.
*If the trackID field is empty, the server uses the eventID as the UUID.
The maximum length of the UUID field is 96 characters. If the trackID (or eventID) is greater than 96 characters, the server does not assign a UUID and cannot conclusively determine the document’s status. If specified, Integration Server executes the document resolver service to determine the document’s status. Otherwise, Integration Server logs the document as In Doubt.
Note:Integration Server versions later than 6.01. ensure that a UUID is always assigned to a document before publishing the document to the messaging provider.