Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring IBM webMethods Enterprise Gateway | About Denial of Service Protection
About Denial of Service Protection
About Trusted IP Addresses
You can use Enterprise Gateway to prevent Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. One form of DoS attack occurs when a client floods a server with many requests in an attempt to interfere with server processing. Using Enterprise Gateway, you can limit the number of requests that your Enterprise Gateway Server will accept within a specified time interval and the number of requests that it can process concurrently. By specifying these limits, you can protect your Enterprise Gateway Server and your Internal Server from DoS attacks.
You can configure Enterprise Gateway Server to consider the total number of requests from all IP addresses, or to consider the number of requests from individual IP addresses. For example, you might want to limit the total number of requests received to 10 requests in 10 seconds, and limit the number of requests coming from any single IP address to 2 requests in 10 seconds. When the server detects that a limit has been exceeded, the server sends an alert. Depending on your configuration, the server can temporarily block requests from all clients, or deny requests from particular IP addresses.
For instructions on configuring Enterprise Gateway Server to prevent DoS attacks, see Preventing Denial of Service Attacks.