Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Using Integration Server with Docker | About the is_container Script
About the is_container Script
is_container Script Commands
The script facilitates interaction with Docker. The script provides commands for creating a Dockerfile, building Docker images for Integration Server and Microservices Runtime, and loading or pushing the Docker image to a Docker registry hosted on-premise.
The intent of the script is to provide a starter script for users of on-premise Integration Server who want to use Docker in their infrastructure.
The script is intended as a starter script. The script does not provide support for all Docker capabilities. IBM anticipates that users will use the script as a sample to reference when creating their own scripts.
The script is located in Software AG_directory\ Integration Server_directory\docker
Information and instructions regarding the is_container.bat/sh script apply to Integration Server and Microservices Runtime unless otherwise specified.