Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Using Integration Server with Docker | Building the Docker Image for an Integration Server Instance
Building the Docker Image for an Integration Server Instance
Building a Docker image for Integration Server consists of:
*Creating a Dockerfile for the Integration Server instance. This Dockerfile contains system (Wm*) packages and core functionality.
*Building a base Docker image for Integration Server using the Dockerfile with the core functionality and system packages.
*Creating a Dockerfile with the base image created in the step above for custom packages to include in the Integration Server image.
*Building a Docker image for Integration Server image using the custom packages Dockerfile. The resulting Docker image contains core functionality, system packages, and custom packages.
If you use automatic package deployment, you do not need to create an image for custom packages. Instead, create the base image and an image containing the Default package. Then use the automatic package deployment feature to add packages to the Microservices Runtime or Integration Server running in a Docker container. For more information, see Automatic Package Deployment.
Before building an Integration Server image to use with Docker containers, make sure to complete the prerequisites listed in Prerequisites for Building a Docker Image.
The JVM and JRE included with Integration Server are not compatible with Alpine base images. Therefore, if you intend to use Alpine as the base image you must:
*Make sure the base image includes the musl JDK.
*When creating the Dockerfile for Integration Server, set -Dinclude.jdk=none to exclude the Integration Server JDK and JRE from the image. For example: createDockerfile -Dinclude.jdk=none
For information, including prerequisites, about using an Integration Server running in a Docker container as the local development server for the local service development feature in , see IBM webMethods Service Development Help.
The Dockerfile created by Integration Server contains metadata about the Integration Server instance used for the image in the Dockerfile. The metadata appears as a Label in the Dockerfile and includes the name, product version, product build number, and primary port of the instance.
*To create a Docker image for Integration Server
1. Go to the Software AG_directory\ Integration Server_directory\docker directory.
2. Create a Dockerfile for the core of an Integration Server instance using one of the commands below. The Dockerfile is created in Software AG_directory.
*Create a Dockerfile that specifies your choice of JDK or JRE and as many Wm packages as you want to include (that is, system packages and hosted product packages, such as Trading Networks Server) by running the createDockerFile command below. The file is stored in the Software AG directory. createDockerfile [optional arguments]
Description baseImageName
Optional. Base image such as Alpine or redhat/ubi9.
Default: redhat/ubi9
When specifying an Alpine base image, make sure that the base image includes the musl JDK.
For an Integration Server running on Windows, the parameter should be set as follows:
Where YourOsImageTag is the tag for the Windows image created for the OS version on which Integration Server runs.
Make sure you select a base image that is supported with any layered products installed on the Integration Server instance that you intend to include in the Docker image. For more information about supported base images, refer to System Requirements for IBM webMethods Products. instance_ name
Optional. Integration Server instance to include in the image.
Default: default (The instance named default.)

-Dport.list= ports
Optional. Comma-separated list of the ports on the instance to expose in the image.
Default: Integration Server uses the port numbers assigned to the primary, diagnostic, and default secure port.

-Dpackage.list= Wm packages
Optional. Comma-separated list of Wm packages on the instance to include in the image.
Default: all (this includes all of the Wm packages and the Default package)

Optional. Whether to include the Integration Server JDK (true) or JRE (false) in the image. Specify none to exclude both the JDK and JRE from the Dockerfile and use the JDK in the base image instead.
If you set -Dinclude.jdk to none make sure that the base image you specify in includes a JDK.
Default: true
The Integration Server JDK and JRE are not compatible with Alpine. Therefore, when using Alpine as the base image, specify -Dinclude.jdk=none to exclude the JDK or JRE included with Integration Server from the Dockerfile.
For an Integration Server running with Java 11, the full JDK is used regardless of the -Dinclude.jdk value. Dockerfile_name
Optional. Filename for the generated Dockerfile.
Default: Dockerfile_IS

Optional. Target configuration of Integration Server for which the Dockerfile is being created.
Default: There is no default value for this parameter.
If the Dockerfile is for an Integration Server that will be used as the local development server, specify: localdev
For more information about using an Integration Server running in a Docker container as the local development server for the local service development feature in , see IBM webMethods Service Development Help.

Optional. Sets a non-root user for the ownership of the files in the Docker image. When-Dimage.createUser is set to true, Integration Server creates a Docker image for which a sagadmin user has ownership of the files in the Docker image. The default value of the parameter is false.
Default: false
This option applies on operating systems other than Windows and requires Docker version 17.09 or higher.
Optional. Comma-separated list of components to exclude from the image. Currently the only component that can be excluded is: WebServices. This argument applies to a Docker image created for Microservices Runtime only.
Optional. Whether to add the HEALTHCHECK instruction to the Docker file.
Default: false
Optional. The amount of time between the end of a health check and the start of the next. Make sure to specify a unit of time (s for seconds, m for minutes). This argument is ignored if -Dhealth.required=false.
Default: 30s
Optional. The timeout value for the health check. If the health check takes longer than the number of seconds specified in -Dhealth.timeout, Docker considers the health check to have failed. Make sure to specify a unit of time (s for seconds, m for minutes). This argument is ignored if -Dhealth.required=false.
Default: 30s
Optional. The amount of time that Docker waits once the container starts before running the first health check. Make sure to specify a unit of time (s for seconds, m for minutes). This argument is ignored if -Dhealth.required=false.
Default: 180s
Optional. The number of consecutive health check failures that must occur before Docker considers the container to be unhealthy.
Default: 3
*Create a Dockerfile that includes the JRE and only the minimum system packages required for Integration Server to operate (WmRoot, WmPublic, and WmCloud) by running the createLeanDockerfile command below. createLeanDockerfile [optional arguments]
The optional arguments are,, -Dport.list,, -Dtarget.configuration, -Dimage.createUser, -Dexclude.components, and -Dhealth.*.
3. Build a Docker image with the core Dockerfile by running the build command below. The image is stored in the local Docker registry. build [optional arguments]
Description Dockerfile_name
Optional. Filename of the Dockerfile to use to build the Docker image.
Default: Dockerfile_IS Docker_ image_name
Optional. Name for the generated Docker image.
Default: is:micro
4. Create a Dockerfile that specifies the custom packages to include in the Docker image by running the createPackageDockerfile command below. The Dockerfile for the custom packages is stored in the Software AG_directory/ Integration Server_directory/instances/instance name/packages directory. createPackageDockerfile [optional arguments]
Description instance_name
Optional. Integration Server instance that includes the user-defined packages.
Default: default (The instance named default.) Docker_image_name
Optional. Name of the core Integration Server image on which this image should be built.
Default: is:micro
-Dpackage.list= packages
Optional. Comma-separated list of the custom packages to include in the image.
Default: all
“all” indicates that the image for packages will include all the custom packages on the Integration Server instance. The Default package and packages beginning with “Wm” will not be included in the image.

Optional. Sets a non-root user for the ownership of the files in the Docker image. When-Dimage.createUser is set to true, Integration Server creates a Docker image for which a sagadmin user has ownership of the files in the Docker image. The default value of the parameter is false.
This option applies on operating systems other than Windows and requires Docker version 17.09 or higher. Dockerfile_name
Optional. Filename for the Dockerfile that contains the custom packages.
Default: Dockerfile_IS_Pkg
If you are using automatic package deployment you can skip the above step. Instead, once Microservices Runtime or Integration Server running in a Docker container, you can place custom packages in the folder on the HOST machine that is mapped to the autodeploy folder. For more information, see Automatic Package Deployment.
5. Build the Docker image with the custom packages Dockerfile by running the buildPackage command below. The image is stored in the local Docker registry. The resulting Docker image contains custom packages, system packages, and the core Integration Server functionality. buildPackage [optional arguments]
Description Dockerfile_name
Optional. Filename for the Dockerfile that contains the custom packages.
Default: Dockerfile_IS_Pkg
Docker build uses the file with the specified name located in the packages directory of the specified instance, specifically: Software AG_directory/ Integration Server_directory/instances/instance name/packages/ Docker_image_name
Optional. Name for the generated Docker image that contains the custom packages.
Default: is:microPkg
6. Optionally, based on your requirements, execute one or more of the following command line arguments:
*saveImage to save an Integration Server image to a file. For more information about saveImage, see Loading a Docker Image to an On-Premise Docker Registry.
*loadImage to load an image to a Docker registry. For more information about loadImage, see Pushing a Docker Image to an On-Premise Docker Registry