Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Diagnosing the Integration Server | Using the Diagnostic Utility
Using the Diagnostic Utility
Diagnostic Utility Performance
Running the Diagnostic Utility from Integration Server Administrator
Running the Diagnostic Utility Service
Collecting Additional Diagnostic Data Upon Request
You use the diagnostic utility to collect configuration, operation, and logging data from the Integration Server. You can also use the diagnostic utility to view the list of fixes applied to the installed packages and Integration Server. The diagnostic utility is an Integration Server service named wm.server.admin:getDiagnosticData, which is located in the WmRoot package. It is accessible only by members of the Administrators group. Although you run the utility via the diagnostic port to troubleshoot, it can also be used with any HTTP or HTTPS port to collect diagnostic data periodically. You can access the service through the Get diagnostics button in Integration Server Administrator About page.
The diagnostic utility creates a diagnostic archive named file in the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\logs directory. The diagnostic utility writes to the .zip file as it collects information.
The resulting diagnostic archive contains a set of default files, including configuration, logs, and package information. The config\PackagesAndUpdates.txt file lists the packages and package updates for the Integration Server.
The diagnostic utility also has the flexibility to collect additional data when requested by IBM. This can be useful when diagnosing an Integration Server issue that has been reported to IBM support. For more information, see Collecting Additional Diagnostic Data Upon Request.
If there are problems creating the .zip file, such as insufficient space in the file system, the utility will return a text file. In the text file, the configuration and operation data are separated into distinct sections for easier reading. Unlike the .zip file, the text file does not contain logging data.