Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Controlling Access to Resources | Controlling Access to Resources with ACLs | Predefined ACLs
Predefined ACLs
The server comes with the following predefined ACLs. You cannot delete these ACLs.
*Administrators. Allows only users in the Administrators group and users with the My webMethods Administrators role access to a package, folder, or other element and denies all other users.
*Anonymous. Provides access to unauthenticated users (those that did not supply a userid) and users with theMy webMethods Users role.
*Default. Allows all authenticated users and users with the My webMethods Users role access to a package, folder, or other element. When an element is not specifically assigned an ACL or does not inherit an ACL from containing folders, the server uses the Default ACL. If the ACL assigned to an element is deleted, the server uses the Default ACL. The Default ACL authorizes authenticated users only. Unauthenticated users (those that did not specify a valid userid) are authorized by the Anonymous ACL.
*Developers. Allows only users in the Developers group and users with the My webMethods Administrators role access to a package, folder, or other element and denies all other users.
*Internal. Allows only users in the Administrators and Developers groups and users with the My webMethods Administrators role access to a package, folder, or other element and denies all other users. The server assigns this ACL to built-in utility services shipped with the server, such as those in the WmRoot and WmPublic packages. You should never need to assign this ACL to an element.
*ReadOnlyAdministrators. Allows members of the ReadOnlyAdministrators user group and users defined in Common Directory services to have read-only access to the Integration Server Administrator Admin API.
*Replicators. Allows the Replicator user and users with the My webMethods Administrators role replication privileges.
You might see an ACL that is specific for an adapter, for example the wmPartnerUsers ACL. Refer to the documentation for the specific adapter for more information about its ACL.