Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Terracotta Ehcache on Integration Server | Configuring an On-Heap Cache
Configuring an On-Heap Cache
Considerations for Configuring On-Heap Cache
Perform the following general steps to create an on-heap cache. An on-heap cache is maintained entirely within the JVM heap. On-heap caches are fast, but they are subject to the JVM garbage collection process. For more information about on-heap caches, see On-Heap Cache.
Decide how much memory you need for the cache and adjust the heap size of your JVM if necessary. For information about changing the heap size used by Integration Server, see Changing the JVM Heap Size Used by Integration Server .
If the cache manager to which you want to add the cache does not already exist, create it. For information about creating a cache manager, see Creating a Cache Manager.
Create the cache using the procedure in Creating a Cache. When you create the cache, be sure to do the following:
*Complete the parameters in the Cache Configuration and Cache Configuration Advanced Settings sections.
*Do not enable the Distributed option in Distributed Cache Configuration section.
*Do not enable the Overflow to Off-heap option in BigMemory section.
To make the cache available for use, enable the cache as described in Enabling a Cache.