Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Terracotta Ehcache on Integration Server | Cache Manager Configuration Files
Cache Manager Configuration Files
Specifying the Parameters for a Cache
Every cache manager has an associated XML file that specifies the configuration parameters for the cache manager and its caches. (In Terracotta Ehcache documentation, this file is often referred to as the ehcache configuration file or the ehcache.xml file.)
Integration Server maintains the configuration files for all cache managers (both system cache managers and public cache managers) in the following directory:
Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\config\Caching
When you create a new cache manager using the Integration Server Administrator, Integration Server creates a configuration file for the cache manager and saves the file in Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\config\Caching directory. Integration Server gives the configuration file the same name as the cache manager, except that it uses dashes (-) instead of any periods that appear in the name. For example the configuration file for a cache manager named my.cache.manager would be given the name my-cache-manager.xml.
When you start Integration Server, it looks for configuration files in the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\config\Caching directory. When it finds a valid configuration file, it initializes the cache manager that is defined by the file and starts the caches that belong to the cache manager.
If Integration Server is not able to initialize a cache manager during its startup process, (if, for example, the cache manager configuration file is invalid or the file defines a type of cache that you are not licensed to use), it reports the error in the server log.
It is possible for developers to use the Terracotta Ehcache API to create cache managers and caches without adding a corresponding configuration file to the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\config\Caching directory. However, this practice is not recommended on Integration Server. A cache manager whose configuration file is not present in the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\config\Caching directory will not be registered properly on Integration Server and cannot be administered using the Integration Server Administrator.