Integration Server 11.1 | WmDB User’s Guide | Configuring Access to Database Systems | About the Server Configuration File | Making the Java Classes for JDBC Drivers Accessible
Making the Java Classes for JDBC Drivers Accessible
The server requires access to the Java classes for each JDBC driver that it is to use. You need to place the Java classes in a location that the server can access. Typically, you place the Java classes in the server’s classpath.
To place the classes in the server’s classpath, place the .zip or .jar file containing the classes in the Integration Server_directory\lib\jars\custom directory. If the jars or custom subdirectories do not exist, create them. The server will automatically add the .zip or .jar libraries to its classpath.
If you want to make the Java classes available only to a specific Integration Server instance, copy the extracted .jar file into this location: Integration Server_directory/instances/instance_name/lib/jars/custom.
If a patch you are unzipping or “unjarring” overwrites existing classes, be sure to back up the existing classes in case the patch does not work.
If you are using the Oracle JRE, the JDBC-ODBC bridge driver is sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver. An ODBC data source corresponding to your database must exist.
If the server does not have access to the Java classes for the JDBC driver, users receive the following error when the server attempts to connect to the database:
Could not connect: No suitable driver
If the driver loads successfully but cannot connect to the database for some reason, the resulting error message usually includes some driver-specific codes or messages. The most common source of such errors is an invalid user name or password on the database. Consult your driver documentation for details.