Integration Server 11.1 | WmDB User’s Guide | Configuring Access to Database Systems | About the Server Configuration File | Preloading JDBC Drivers at Server Initialization
Preloading JDBC Drivers at Server Initialization
You can have the server preload the JDBC drivers when it initializes. Loading the JDBC drivers at initialization increases the performance of the first run of the first database service that requires a specific JDBC driver. If the server does not have a JDBC driver loaded when a database service requires it, the server must load the JDBC driver when the database server executes. Also, if you preload JDBC drivers, the server displays the list of drivers in a drop down list on the pages that require a JDBC driver name. When the drop down list is available, you can select a driver from it rather than type the name of a driver.
To have the server load JDBC drivers when it initializes, specify a comma-delimited list of JDBC drivers that you want preloaded in the watt.server.jdbc.driverList field in the server.cnf file in the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\config directory. If this field does not exist in the server.cnf file, you can add it. To change this setting use the Settings > Extended page from the Integration Server Administrator as described in Working with Extended Configuration Settings.