Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring the Server | Specifying Third-Party Proxy Servers for Outbound Requests | Creating a Proxy Server Alias
Creating a Proxy Server Alias
Proxy server alias names must be unique across protocols. In other words, you cannot have proxy server aliases of the same name but of different protocols. For example, you can have only one proxy server alias named “myProxy” across the HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or SOCKS protocols.
*To create a proxy server alias
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator.
2. Go to External servers > Proxy servers.
3. Click Create Proxy Server Alias.
4. Under Proxy Server Alias Properties, provide information in the following fields:
For this parameter
The alias name to use for this host/port combination.
Host Name or IP Address
The host name or IP address of the proxy server.
Port Number
The port on which this proxy server listens for requests.
User Name (optional)
The user name Integration Server must use when accessing this proxy server.
Password (optional)
The password Integration Server must use to access this proxy server.
The type of protocol (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or SOCKS) to use for the host/port combination.
Proxy Type
If you select FTP, additional parameters appear to help you configure the Proxy Type. For requests that the proxy server will be forwarding to an FTP server, you must specify the following information:
*The name of the FTP server
*The name of a user on the FTP server
*The password for that user.
The method you use to send this information to the FTP proxy server depends on the type of proxy server you have. Integration Server supports the following proxy server types:
0. No proxy
Do not use an FTP proxy server. This is the default.
1. ftp_user@ftp_host no proxy auth
Connect to the proxy server, but do not log into it. Then send the following:
USER ftp_user@ftp_host
PASS ftp_password
2. ftp_user@ftp_host proxy auth
Connect to the proxy server, and log into it with:
USER proxy_user
PASS proxy_password
Then send the following:
USER ftp_user@ftp_host
PASS ftp_password
3. site command
Connect to the proxy server, and log into it with:
USER proxy_user
PASS proxy_password
Then send the following:
SITE ftp_host
USER ftp_user
PASS ftp_password
4. open command
Connect to the proxy server, and log into it with:
USER proxy_user
PASS proxy_password
Then send the following:
OPEN ftp_host
USER ftp_user
PASS ftp _password
5. ftp_user@proxy_user@ftp_host
Connect to the proxy server and log into it. Then send the following:
USER ftp_user@proxy_user@ftp_host
PASS ftp_password@proxy_password
6. proxy_user@ftp_host
Connect to the proxy server, and log into it with:
USER proxy_user@ftp_host
PASS proxy_password
Then send the following:
USER ftp_user
PASS ftp_password
7. ftp_user@ftp_host proxy_user
Connect to the proxy server, but do not log into it. Then send the following:
USER ftp_user@ftp_host proxy_user
PASS ftp_password
ACCT proxy_password
SOCKS Version
If you select SOCKS as the protocol, additional parameters appear to help you configure the SOCKS version. Select SOCKS v4or SOCKS v5 based on what version of SOCKS protocol you would like to use to connect to the proxy server.
SOCKS protocol version 4 does not support authentication. Do not specify authentication credentials (i.e. username and password) if you select SOCKS protocol version 4.
Whether this proxy server alias should be the default proxy server alias for its protocol type or not. Click Yes or No. Only one default proxy server alias can be set for each protocol type.
5. Click Save Changes.