Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring the Server | Managing Server Sessions | Setting the Stateful Session Limit
Setting the Stateful Session Limit
Integration Server starts a new session for every remote client that connects to it. This can be a problem if the server receives multiple requests simultaneously and does not have the resources to handle them.
The number of concurrent sessions allowed is specified by your license. However, you can tune performance by setting the stateful session limit using the Resources page in Integration Server Administrator. When you set a stateful session limit and the number of concurrent stateful sessions exceeds that limit, the server rejects new requests and returns an error message to the user.
You can also set a warning level for available stateful sessions. When the percentage of available stateful sessions is equal to or less than the warning level, the server generates a message in the server log to alert you of stateful session use and availability.
*To set the stateful sessions limit
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator.
2. Go to Settings > Resources.
3. Click Edit Resource Settings.
4. Under Session, update the server session settings, as follows:
For this parameter
Enable Stateful Session Limit
Whether you want Integration Server to limit the number of concurrent stateful sessions. If you want to enable a stateful session limit, select Yes; otherwise, select No.
When enabled, the number of stateful sessions that can exist simultaneously on the server is defined by the Maximum Stateful Sessions parameter.
You can view statistics for stateful sessions on the Server > Statistics page in Integration Server Administrator. When disabled, statistics for stateful sessions are still gathered and displayed on the Server > Statistics page.
Maximum Stateful Sessions
The maximum number of concurrent stateful sessions that can exist on the Integration Server. If a user attempts to access the server and execute a stateful service while the maximum number of stateful sessions are in use, the server rejects the request and returns the following error to the user:
Server is not accepting new requests at this time.
The value must be a positive integer. If a value is not specified or the feature is disabled, the maximum number of concurrent sessions is determined by the licensed sessions limit specified in your Integration Server license file.
Available Stateful Sessions Warning Threshold
Threshold at which Integration Server starts to warn of insufficient available stateful sessions. When the percentage of available stateful sessions equals or falls below the value of this property, Integration Server generates a server log message stating:
{0}% or more of maximum number of concurrent stateful
sessions are in use. {1} sessions are available
The default is 25%.
5. Click Save Changes.