Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Ports | About Ports | About the Port Alias
About the Port Alias
When you create a port, you specify an alias for the port. The port alias serves as a unique identifier for the port. Often, the alias is a short descriptive name that identifies the purpose of the port. For example, you might want the port alias to identify the primary function of the port, such as AdminPort, WebServicePort, or projectNamePort.
When using IBM webMethods Command Central, the port alias can make it easier to manage, configure, and compare ports. For example, if you assigned all of the administration ports in a group of Integration Servers the same name or similar names, you can more easily identify and therefore more easily compare the administration ports.
A port alias must:
*Be unique across the Integration Server.
*Be between 1 and 255 characters in length.
*Include one or more of the following: letters (a -z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), underscore (_), period (.), and hyphen (-).
Once the port is created, the alias cannot be changed. The default ports provided with Integration Server have pre-defined alias names as specified in Default Ports.
When you upgrade to Integration Server 9.5 or later from a previous version that did not use port aliases, Integration Server assigns each port, with the exception of e-mail ports and file polling ports, an alias using the following naming convention:
Where protocol is the protocol specified for the port, portNumber is the number assigned to the port, hostName is the host name specified for the port, and packageName is the package with which the port is associated.
For e-mail ports, Integration Server uses the following naming convention for the port alias:
Where userName is the user name specified for the port, hostName is the host name specified for the port, and packageName is the package with which the port is associated.
For file polling ports, Integration Server uses the following naming convention for the port alias:
Where monitoringDirectory is the directory that Integration Server monitors for new files, and contentType is the content type for the files the port processes. If the file polling port does not specify a content type, Integration Server omits contentType from the port alias.
Integration Server uses the naming conventions described above to create an alias for a port deployed from an earlier version of Integration Server and for a port installed with a package created on an earlier version of Integration Server.
The alias that Integration Server assigns to a port cannot be changed.