Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring OAuth | Configuring Integration Server for OAuth | Associating Scopes and Clients | Removing Client and Scope Associations
Removing Client and Scope Associations
Use the following procedure to remove client and scope associations.
Removing associations between scopes and clients does not delete the clients or scopes from the system, nor does it affect access tokens that have already been issued. For more information about deleting clients, see Deleting Clients. For more information about deleting scopes, see Deleting Scopes.
*To remove client and scope associations
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Security > OAuth.
3. Click Scope Management.
4. Click Associate Scopes to Clients.
5. If you want to remove an association of one or more clients from a particular scope, do the following:
a. Under Scopes, in the Select Scope list, select the scope for which you want to remove an association from one or more clients.
b. In the Clients associated with Scope list, select (highlight) the client or clients that you want to remove from the scope.
To select additional clients without deselecting currently selected clients, press Ctrl while you click the clients you want to select. To deselect a client, press Ctrl while you click the currently selected entry.
c. After you have selected all the clients you want to remove from the scope, click Right arrow icon. Integration Server moves the selected clients to the Remaining Clients list.
6. If you want to remove an association of one or more scopes from a particular client, do the following:
a. Under Clients, in the Select Client list, select the client for which you want to remove an association from one or more scopes.
b. In the Scopes in this Client list, select (highlight) the scope or scopes that you want to remove from the client.
To select additional scopes without deselecting currently selected scopes, press Ctrl while you click the scopes you want to select. To deselect a scope, press Ctrl while you click the currently selected entry.
c. After you have selected all the scopes you want to remove from the client, click Right arrow icon. Integration Server moves the selected scopes to the Remaining Scopes list.
7. Click Save Changes.