Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Guaranteed Delivery | Configuring the Server for Guaranteed Delivery | Settings for Outbound Transactions
Settings for Outbound Transactions
You can disable the use of guaranteed delivery for outbound transactions. However, if you allow guaranteed delivery for outbound transactions, the server maintains a separate job store for the transactions. Similar to the inbound job store, the server keeps the status of each transaction in the outbound job store. If a service request fails, the server waits a specified amount of time before resubmitting the request. The server periodically processes the job store to identify transactions that it needs to submit.
The server maintains a thread pool to service pending outbound requests. You can configure how many client threads the server should maintain in the thread pool.
The server also maintains a separate audit-trail log of all operations it performs for outbound transactions.
The following table identifies the outbound transaction settings that you can configure.
You can configure:
Using this setting
Whether you want to disable guaranteed delivery for outbound transactions.
The default TTL value for outbound transactions.
How long the server should wait before resubmitting failed requests.
How often the server processes the job store to identify transactions that it needs to submit.
How many client threads the server should maintain in the thread pool that it uses to service pending requests.
Use the watt.tx.disabled setting to specify that you want to disable the use of guaranteed delivery for outbound requests. By default, the server allows the use of guaranteed delivery for outbound transactions. The default is "false." If an unexpected exceptional conditional is encountered, guaranteed delivery may be disabled by the server. In this case, the watt.tx.disabled property will be set to "true".
The default is: false.
Use the watt.tx.defaultTTLMins setting to specify the default time-to-live (TTL) value for outbound guaranteed delivery transactions. Specify the number of minutes you want the server to maintain outbound transactions in the job store when a service initiating an outbound transaction does not specify a TTL value.
The default is: 30.
Use the watt.tx.retryBackoff setting to specify the number of seconds to wait after a service request failure before the Job Manager resubmits the request to execute the service to the Integration Server.
The default is: 60.
Use the watt.tx.sweepTime setting to specify the number of seconds between sweeps of the job store of outbound transactions. The server sweeps the job store to identify transactions that it needs to submit.
The default is: 60.
Use the watt.tx.jobThreads setting to specify the number of client threads you want to make available in a thread pool to service pending requests.
The default is: 5.