Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Guaranteed Delivery | About Guaranteed Delivery
About Guaranteed Delivery
Use the guaranteed delivery capabilities of Integration Server to ensure guaranteed one-time execution of services.
Integration Server guaranteed delivery capabilities ensure that the following occur despite transient failures:
*Requests to execute services from clients are delivered to the server
*Services are executed once, and only once
*Responses from the execution of the services are delivered to the client
The webMethods guaranteed delivery capabilities protect against transient failures that might occur on the network, in the client, or on the server. A transient failure is a failure that can correct itself during a specified period of time. If a request cannot be delivered to the server due to a transient failure, the request is resubmitted; if the problem has corrected itself, the request is successfully delivered on a subsequent attempt. You determine what constitutes a transient error by specifying a time-to-live (TTL) period for a guaranteed delivery transaction and, optionally, the number of times a transaction should be retried.
Because an Integration Server can act as either a server or a client in a guaranteed delivery transaction, the guaranteed delivery capabilities of the server handle both inbound transactions and outbound transactions. When a client invokes a service on a server, the server is acting as a server. If a service uses guaranteed delivery to invoke a service on another Integration Server, the server that invokes the service is the client.
The Integration Servers that participate in a guaranteed-delivery transaction must both be running the same version of Integration Server software.
The guaranteed delivery capabilities allow you to build robust, transaction-based client applications without having to embed complex error handling code to respond to transient failures.
Use the guaranteed delivery capabilities with stateless (i.e., atomic) transactions because state information cannot be maintained from one request to the next. As a result, guaranteed delivery capabilities cannot be used with multi-request conversational services.
For more information about guaranteed delivery, see the Guaranteed Delivery Developer’s Guide.