Integration Server 11.1 | Microservices Runtime Guide | Using a Circuit Breaker with Services | Circuit Breaker Statistics
Circuit Breaker Statistics
Microservices Runtime gathers circuit breaker statistics for each service with a configured circuit breaker. Microservices Runtime Administrator displays statistics in the Circuit Breaker Information table on the Server > Service usage page.
The following table identifies the circuit breaker information that Microservices Runtime maintains for each service with a configured circuit breaker.
Name of the service for which a circuit breaker is configured.
The state of the circuit. The circuit state can be one of the following:
*Closed. The service executes.
*Open. The service does not execute. Instead, depending on the circuit breaker configuration, the service returns an exception or executes an alternative service.
*Half-Open. The first request for this service since the circuit state changes to half-open results in service execution. All other requests wait. If the service executes successfully, the circuit is closed and waiting requests execute. If the service ends with a failure exception, the circuit is re-opened.
For a detailed explanation of possible circuit states, see Circuit States.
Open Time
Time at which circuit breaker last set the circuit state to open.
Half-Open Time
Time at which circuit breaker last set the circuit state to half-open.
Closed Time
Time at which the circuit breaker last set the circuit state to closed.
Open Count
Number of times that circuit breaker set the circuit state to open since Microservices Runtime started.
Request Count
Number of incoming requests for the service since the circuit breaker changed the circuit state to open. For information about how circuit breaker handles requests for a service with an open circuit, see How Does a Circuit Breaker for a Service Work? .
If a circuit breaker is not configured for any service, the Circuit Breaker Information table displays the message “No Services with a Circuit Breaker Enabled”.