Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Integration Server Administrator API | CRUD Operations
CRUD Operations
CRUD (Create Retrieve Update Delete) operations are one type of request supported by the Administrator REST API. CRUD operations are executed using different HTTP methods.
The following table identifies the HTTP method and the related CRUD operation.
Retrieves one or more resources
Creates a new resource with the details sent in the request.
Replaces the resource with the details sent in the request.
Updates a resource by replacing the fields provided in the body of the request.
Deletes a resource.
Not all HTTP methods are available for every resource. For information about which methods are available for a resource, review the API descriptions in the OpenAPI 3.0 document for the Administrator API. All resources support the HEAD and OPTIONS methods.
The PATCH operations in the Administrator API support the JSON Merge Patch specification, However, the Administrator API deviates from the JSON Merge Patch specification as follows.
*The specification requires a client to use the application/merge-patch+json media type. The Administrator API supports this media type but also accepts PATCH requests that use application/json.
*The specification says "Null values in the merge patch are given special meaning to indicate the removal of existing values in the target." In the Administrator API you can use PATCH to change the value of field to null. If you subsequently retrieve the updated resource, you might see that field in the response payload with a null value. In the Administrator API, a field with a null value in a payload is logically equivalent to the field not being present in the payload.