Integration Server 11.1 | WmDB User’s Guide | Accessing Databases with Services | Creating Database Services with Java or C/C++ | Testing SQL Statements
Testing SQL Statements
You can use the Integration Server Administrator to test an SQL statement that you want to execute using the built-in database service pub.db:execSQL or that you want to invoke directly using a JDBC call.
Before you can use the Integration Server Administrator to test an SQL statement, the server must have a configured database alias for the database that you want to access. For more information about how to configure a database alias, see Identifying Database Aliases.
*To test an SQL statement
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Adapters > WmDB > Alias Management.
3. Under Current Data Sources, select the database alias for the database you want the service to access.
4. Click Connect. The server displays the Connection Parameters page.
5. Indicate which tables you want to search by performing one of the following:
*To search all database tables, click Connect. The server displays the Tables page.
*To restrict your search, fill in one or more fields in the Restrictions parameters as follows, and then click Connect. The server displays the Tables page. For more information about how to restrict the search, see Restricting the List of Database Tables.
6. In the Test SQL Queries section of the Tables page, type the SQL statement you want to test.
7. Click Execute query.
The server sends the SQL statement you specified to the database for execution and displays a page that lists the results from your SQL query.