Integration Server 11.1 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring a Public Cache that Supports JSR 107 on Integration Server | Configuring JSR 107 on Integration Server
Configuring JSR 107 on Integration Server
You can configure Integration Server to use a JSR 107 public cache with a server configuration parameter. Use the watt.server.serviceResults.cache.storeType server configuration parameter to specify the public cache provider that Integration Server uses. By default, the parameter is set to ehcache and Integration Server uses Terracotta Ehcache as the public cache. To use another public cache for service results that supports JSR 107, set the parameter to:
Restart Integration Server for the parameter change to take effect.
When Integration Server uses a JSR 107 public cache for service results, you configure the cache and cache manager on the remote caching server as described in the documentation from the vendor of the cache. Note that you cannot create a JSR 107 public cache and cache manager using the Settings > Caching screen in Integration Server Administrator. Use the Integration Server Administrator only when you create a cache and cache manager for Terracotta Ehcache.
You must also create a configuration file with the JSR 107 cache client details that Integration Server will use to connect to the JSR 107 public cache.
After setting up the server parameter and creating the configuration file, you must configure Integration Server to connect to the JSR 107-compliant public cache. For detailed information about connecting to a JSR 107 public cache on a remote caching server, see Configuring Integration Server to Connect to a Public Cache