Integration Server 11.1 | webMethods Package Manager CLI Reference | wpm CLI Commands | wpm remove
wpm remove
Removes specified packages from the target installation.
wpm remove [package-name package-name2package-nameN] [optional arguments]
where package-name is a space-separated list of Integration Server packages to remove.
The following table lists all available arguments available for the wpm remove command and their descriptions:
-d [target-installation]
Relative or absolute path to the target server installation from which to remove packages. The relative path is relative to the current working directory.
Required if all of the following are true:
*The target_installation property is not set in the wpm.yml coniguration file.
*The SAG home environment variable is not specified.
*IBM webMethods Package Manager is not in the same installation directory as the target server.
Usage Note
Argument values specified in the command override related property values in the wpm.yml configuration file.