Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | XML Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument
WmPublic. Converts an XML node to a document (an IData object).
If you want to convert an XML node to an XMLData document, use pub.xmldata.domNodetoXMLData.
This service transforms each element and attribute in the XML node to an element in an IData object. For example:
This service would convert this XML document...
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
xmlns:xsi="" >
<name>Midwest Extreme Sports</name>
<rep>Laura M. Sanchez</rep>
<acctNum type=platinum>G97041A</acctNum>
<phoneNum cc=011>216-741-7566</phoneNum>
<address country=USA>
<street1>10211 Brook Road</street1>
<address country=USA xsi:type="tns:DerivedAddress">
<street1>10211 Brook Road</street1>
<landMark>Besides Ohio River-Bank Square</landMark>
To an IData that looks like this...
Note that:
*The XML version attribute is converted to an element named @version.
*The resulting document is given the same name as the XML document's root element (AcctInfo in the example above) and is a child of the document variable that this service returns.
*Simple elements (such as <name> and <rep> in the example above) are converted to String elements.
*Complex elements (that is, elements with children, such as <address> in the example above) and simple elements that have attributes (such as <acctNum> and <phoneNum>) are converted to documents (IData objects). Note that keys derived from attributes are prefixed with a "@" character to distinguish them from keys derived from elements. Also note that when a simple element has an attribute, its value is placed in an element named *body.
*Repeated elements (such as <serialNum>) can be collected into arrays using the makeArrays and/or arrays parameters. See makeArrays and arrays below for additional information about producing arrays.
*While creating a document, the pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument service assigns a value of emptyString to the fields that are empty in the document.
*The *doctype field is used to specify the IS document type to which the IData object should conform. The *doctype field in the IData object contains the full namespace name of the IS document type corresponding to the document type referred by the xsi:type attribute in the XML string.
The document type referred by the *doctype field should either be created by importing an XSD file (XML schema) or generated while consuming WSDL for a provider or consumer web service descriptor. You should also select the Register document types with schema type option in the New Document Type wizard when generating a document type from an XML schema.
Input Parameters
XML node that is to be converted to a document (IData object).
This parameter supports the following types of input:
String Optional. Prefix that is to be used to designate keys containing attribute values. The default is "@". For example, if you set attrPrefix to ATT_ and node contained the following element:
<tx currency=dollars>
xmlNodeToDocument would convert the currency attribute as follows:
String List Optional. Names of elements that are to be generated as arrays, regardless of whether they appear multiple times in node. For example, if arrays contained the following values for the XML document shown in the example in the description for this service:
xmlNodeToDocument would generate element rep as a String List and element address as a Document List.
If you include namespace prefixes in the element names that you specify in arrays, you must define the namespaces associated with those prefixes in nsDecls.
String Optional. Flag indicating whether you want xmlNodeToDocument to automatically create an array for every element that appears in node more than once. Set to:
*true to automatically create arrays for every element that appears more than once in node. This is the default.
*false to create arrays for only those elements specified in arrays or defined as arrays in the document type specified in documentTypeName.
You must set makeArrays to false when using documentTypeName to define the structure of an element. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown at run time.
Document Optional. Elements that are to be placed into a new, named array (that is, a "collection"). Within collect, use key names to specify the names of the elements that are to be included in the collection. Then set the value of each key to specify the name of the collection in which you want that element placed. For example, if you wanted to place the <name> and <rep> elements in an array called originator, you would set collect as follows:
If the set of elements in a collection are all simple elements, a String List is produced. However, if the set is made up of complex elements, or a combination of simple and complex elements, a Document List is produced. When this is the case, each member of the array will include a child element called *name that contains the name of the element from which that member was derived.
You may optionally include namespace prefixes in the element names that you specify in collect; however, if you do, you must define the namespaces associated with those prefixes in nsDecls.
You cannot include an element in more than one collection.
Document Optional. Namespace prefixes to use for the conversion. This parameter specifies the prefixes that will be used when namespace-qualified elements are converted to key names in the resulting IData object. For example, if you want elements belonging to a particular namespace to have the prefix GSX in the resulting IData (for example, GSX:acctNum), you would associate the prefix GSX with that namespace in nsDecls. (This is important because incoming XML documents can use any prefix for a given namespace, but the key names expected by a target service or MAP step on the Integration Server will have a fixed prefix.)
Namespace prefixes in nsDecls also define the prefixes used by the arrays, documents, documentTypeName, and collect parameters.
Each entry in nsDecls represents a namespace prefix/URI pair, where a key name represents a prefix and the value of the key specifies the namespace URI.
For example, to define the URIs associated with two prefixes called GSX and TxMon, you would set nsDecls as follows:
String List Optional. Names of any simple elements that are to be generated as documents (IData objects) instead of Strings. The document produced for each element specified in documents will have the same name as the source element from which it is derived. It will contain a String element named *body that holds the element's value.
For example, if documents contained the Strings name and rep and the source document contained the following:
<name>Midwest Extreme Sports</name>
<rep>Laura M. Sanchez</rep>
xmlNodeToDocument would produce the following:
If you include namespace prefixes in the element names that you specify, you must define the namespaces associated with those prefixes in nsDecls.
String Optional. Fully qualified name of the document type that specifies the structure that is to be imposed on the resulting document. You can use this parameter to explicitly specify the order and dimensionality of elements. It is an alternative to using makeArrays and arrays to specify which elements are to be generated as arrays.
For example, if you had the XML document shown in the example in this service's description, and you wanted the <name> and <rep> elements to be generated as String lists, you would define them as String Lists fields in a document type and then specify that document type in documentTypeName.
The document type specified in documentTypeName does not need to specify every element that will appear in the resulting document. It only needs to specify the elements whose structure you want to explicitly set. However, if you include namespace prefixes in the element names that you specify, you must define the namespaces associated with those prefixes in nsDecls.
This service always converts XML nodes to String or Document object fields. It does not generate constrained objects (for example, Floats or Integers), even if the fields in the specified document are defined as constrained objects.
If you are using derived type processing, you must provide this parameter.
When you use documentTypeName, set makeArrays to false and do not set arrays and documents. Otherwise, xmlNodeToDocument will throw an exception at run time.
String Optional. Flag specifying how mixed-content elements (elements containing both text values and child elements) are to be converted. The following is an example of a mixed-content element:
This job is <status>pending</status>. Estimated
completion date is <edc>Feb 14, 2000</edc>.
Set to:
*true to place top-level text in an element named *body. This setting would produce the following IData for the <comment> element shown above:
When you set mixedModel to true, you must also use documentTypeName to specify a document type that describes the structure of the IData that you want xmlNodeToDocument to produce. Within the document type, mixed-content elements must be defined as documents that include a String field named *body.
*false to omit top-level text and include only the child elements from mixed-content elements. This setting would produce the following IData for the <comment> element shown above:
String Optional. Flag indicating whether or not Integration Server keeps undeclared namespaces in the resulting document (IData). An undeclared namespace is one that is not specified as part of the nsDecls input parameter.
Set to:
*True to preserve undeclared namespaces in the resulting document. For each namespace declaration in the XML document that is not specified in the nsDecls parameter, Integration Server adds the xmlns attribute as a String variable to the document (IData). Integration Server gives the variable a name that begins with "@xmlns" and assigns the variable the namespace value specified in the XML document. Integration Server preserves the position of the undeclared namespace in the resulting document.
*False to ignore namespace declarations in the XML document that are not specified in the nsDecls parameter. This is the default.
String Optional. Flag indicating whether or not Integration Server maintains the position of namespaces declared in the nsDecls parameter in the resulting document.
Set to:
*True to preserve the position of namespaces declared in nsDecls in the resulting document. For each namespace specified in the nsDecls parameter, Integration Server adds the xmlns attribute to the document (IData) as a String variable named "@xmlns:NSprefix" where "NSprefix" is the prefix name specified in nsDecls. Integration Server assigns the variable the namespace value specified in the XML document. This variable maintains the position of the xmlns attribute declaration within the XML document.
*False to not maintain the position of the namespace declarations specified in nsDecls in the resulting document. This is the default.

String Optional. Flag indicating whether or not Integration Server uses the namespaces defined in the document type specified for the documentTypeName input parameter when creating a document from an XML string.
Set to:
*True to use the namespaces defined in the document type specified in documentTypeName and those in nsDecls when creating elements in the output document.
*False to use the namespaces defined in the nsDecls parameter only. This is the default.
Output Parameters
Document Document (IData object) representation of the nodes and attributes in node.
Usage Notes
If the IS document type in documentTypeName accurately represents the content model for the complex type from which it was created (the Model type property value is not “Unordered”), when Integration Server converts an XML node to a document (IData), Integration Server matches up the contents of an element in the XML node with the content model of the IS document type. If a mismatch occurs and Integration Server is unable to map the XML node contents to the IS document type, Integration Server appends the remaining data to the resulting document (IData). Integration Server stops attempting to map the XML node content to a field in the IS document type. This mismatch does not result in an error at the time the document is created. However, the document would fail validation by the pub.schema:validate service.
The watt.server.soap.decodeElementWithPrefix server configuration parameter determines whether or not the pub.xml.xmlNodeToDocument service considers namespace and/or prefix declarations when decoding namespace qualified elements to corresponding fields in an IS document type.
*When watt.server.soap.decodeElementWithPrefix is set to true, the pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument service does not consider namespace and/or prefix declarations. The service will map namespace qualified elements in the XML string to fields in an IS document type even if the field names do not include a prefix.
*When watt.server.soap.decodeElementWithPrefix is set to false, the pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument service considers namespace and/or prefix declarations. The service does not map namespace qualified elements in the XML input to fields in an IS document type if the field names do not include a prefix. The pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument service does not populate non-prefixed fields. Instead the service adds new fields that use the prefix:name structure and populates those fields with values from the XML instance.
The xsi:nil attribute in an element does not convert properly when generating an IS document from an XML document. If an XML document has an element containing only xsi:nil as an attribute and an IS document is generated from that XML document using the pub.xml.xmlNodeToDocument service, the xsi:nil attribute is generated as an @xsi:nil field for the element in the resulting IS document. This occurs even if the element with the xsi:nil attribute has a simple type string; however, the document type that is created from the XML schema (which is used by the XML document) has a string field for the xsi:nil element instead of the IS document. There is a type difference between the generated document and the document type. To work around this issue, manually edit the generated IS document to remove the @xsi:nil attribute and then convert the IS document to a string field.
Following are examples of XML documents and the documents (IData objects) that xmlNodeToDocument would produce.
XML Document
Output from xmlNodeToDocument
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
<e1 e1Attr="attrValue">e1Value</e1>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
<?xml version="1.0"
<e1 e1Attr="attrValue1">e1Value1</e1>
<e1 e1Attr="attrValue2">e1Value2</e1>
This example assumes that makeArrays is set to true. Note that e1 was created as a document list, which holds both <e1> elements from the XML document.
<?xml version="1.0"
<e1 e1Attr="attrValue1">e1Value1</e1>
<e1 e1Attr="attrValue2">e1Value2</e1>
This example assumes that makeArrays is set to false and that watt.server.xml.xmlNodeToDocument. keepDuplicates is set to true (the default). Note that both<e1> elements from the source XML are retained.
<?xml version="1.0"
<e1 e1Attr="attrValue1">e1Value1</e1>
<e1 e1Attr="attrValue2">e1Value2</e1>
This example assumes that makeArrays is set to false and that watt.server.xml.xmlNodeToDocument. keepDuplicates is set to false. Note that only the last <e1> element in the source XML was retained in the resulting document.
<?xml version="1.0"
<e1 e1Attr="attrValue1">e1Value1</e1>
<e4 e4Attr="attrValue4"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
XMLSchema-instance" >
<myDoc> <e1>e1Value</e1>
<myDoc xsi:type="tns:DerivedDoc">