Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | Utils Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder |
WmPublic. Changes the value of the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property for a web service descriptor to false.
Input Parameters
java.lang.Boolean Optional. Indicates whether the service actually changes the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property for the web service descriptors and returns a summary of the changes or if the service returns only a summary without making any changes. Set to:
*true to return a summary of the web service descriptors that the service would successfully and unsuccessfully change, including the errors and warnings that would be encountered. The service does not modify any web service descriptors.
*false to change the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property to false for the specified web service descriptors, save the web service descriptor, and return a summary of the changes. This is the default.
java.lang.Boolean Optional. Indicates whether the service changes the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property for web service descriptors in all of the packages on Integration Server or only web service descriptors in specific packages. Set to:
*true to change the web service descriptors in all of the packages on Integration Server.
When convertAllPackages is set to true, the service changes the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property for those web service descriptors in enabled packages only. Additionally, the service skips any packages whose names begin with “Wm”.
*false to change the web service descriptors in the packages specified in packageNames only. This is the default.
If you set convertAllPackages to false, you must specify packages in packageNames.
String List Optional. Names of the packages containing the web service descriptors for which you want to change the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property to false. The packages you specify must be enabled. Note that package names are not case-sensitive.
If you do not specify any packages in packageNames, you must set convertAllPackages to true.
Output Parameters

updatedWarning Count
String Conditional. Number of web service descriptors for which changing the value of the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property to false resulted in a warning. If reportOnly is set to true, updatedWarningCount indicates the number of web service descriptors for which a warning would be generated. The service returns updatedWarningCount only if Integration Server encountered a warning when successfully changing the value of the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property from true to false for at least one web service descriptor.
If the service did not (or would not if reportOnly is set to true) update any web service descriptors, updatedWarningCount is not returned.
Some warnings require further action to be taken, such as regenerating web service connectors. Be sure to review all warnings.
Document List Conditional. The web service descriptors for which the service successfully changed the value of the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property from true to false, including any warnings that occurred. If reportOnly is set to true, updated indicates the number of web service descriptors that the service would successfully change and any warnings that the service would encounter.
The service returns the updated parameter only if the service successfully changed the value of the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property from true to false for at least one web service descriptor.
String Package that contains the updated web service descriptor.
String Fully qualified name of the updated web service descriptor.
String List List of any warning that occurred when the service changed the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property from true to false.
Document List Conditional. The web service descriptors for which the service could not change the value of the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode from true to false because an error occurred.
The service returns the failed parameter only if an error prevented the service from changing the value of the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property from true to false for at least one web service descriptor.
String Package containing the web service descriptor that could not be changed.
String Fully qualified name of the web service descriptor that could not be changed because of an error.
String List List of the warnings that occurred when the service attempted to change the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property from true to false.
String List List of the errors that prevented the service from changing the value of the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property from true to false.
Document List Conditional. The web service descriptors for which the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property is already set to false.
The service returns the skipped parameter only if the service encountered web service descriptors for which Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property was already set to false.
String Package containing the web service descriptor.
String Fully qualified name of the web service descriptors for which Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property was already set to false.
Usage Notes
The Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property and the ability to run in pre-8.2 compatibility mode are deprecated as of Integration Server 10.4 due to the deprecation of the earlier web services implementation introduced in Integration Serverversion 7.1.
Even though the convertAllPackages and packageNames input parameters are optional, you must either set convertAllPackages to true or specify packages in packageNames.
Use the service to change the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property value for multiple web service descriptors at one time.
The Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property indicates the version of the web service stack with which the web service descriptor is compatible:
*When the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property is set to true, the web service descriptor runs on the earlier version of the web services stack, specifically the web services stack available in Integration Server versions 7.x, 8.0, and 8.0 SP1. web service descriptors running in pre-8.2 compatibility mode have the same design-time features and run-time behavior as web service descriptors run in versions of Integration Server prior to version 8.2.
*When the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property is set to false, the web service descriptor runs on the current version of the web services stack. web service descriptors that do not run in pre-8.2 compatibility mode have the design-time features and run-time behavior available in the current version of the web services stack.
For more details about which features are impacted by the compatibility mode of the web service descriptor, see the Web Services Developer’s Guide.
Before changing the web service descriptor, the service verifies that the web service descriptor can be deployed to the web services stack that corresponds to the chosen compatibility mode. Warnings indicate that the web service descriptor can be deployed to the web services stack successfully but some run-time behavior might change. If warnings occur for a particular web service descriptor, the service changes the compatibility mode and lists warnings in the updated output parameter. Errors identify the functionality that is incompatible with the web services stack. If errors occur for a particular web service descriptor, the service does not change the compatibility mode for that web service descriptor. the service identifies the errors in the failed output parameter.
Some warnings require further action to be taken, such as regenerating web service connectors. Be sure to review all warnings.
The service will not modify any web service descriptors that are locked for edit or checked out at the time the service executes.
To use the service to change the Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property for a web service descriptor, you or whichever client is invoking the service must have Write access to the web service descriptors.
If the Docker image for a Microservices Runtime excludes the web services functionality, then the Docker image for the Microservices Runtime running in the Docker container cannot execute the service. Attempts to execute the service end with a ServiceException.