Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | Sync Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.sync:wait
WmPublic. Allows one or more services to wait for delivery of data from a notifying service.
Input Parameters
String Name of the key for which the service is waiting notification. The service receives notification and data from a notifying service with the same key.
String Length of time, in seconds, the service waits for notification. If the request times out, an exception is thrown.
A time value of -1 or 0 results in undefined behavior.
String Optional. Flag indicating whether this service waits exclusively for the notification and prevents other services from waiting for a notification for the specified key. Set to:
*yes to specify that this service waits exclusively for the notification from the specified key. Integration Server prevents other services from waiting for the specified notification.
*no to allow multiple services to wait for notification. This is the default.
Output Parameters
Document Input delivered by the notifying service.
Usage Notes
Any service that is waiting for the key notification, receives the notification as long as the lifespan of the wait request overlaps with the lifespan of the notification. However, if a service with an exclusive wait registers for the notification key, the notification ends as soon as the exclusive wait is notified.
An exclusive wait might not be the only wait that receives the notification. For example, an exclusive wait might be registered after other non-exclusive waits have been notified. However, once an exclusive wait is registered, it will be the last wait to be notified.
Notification must occur within the time period specified by the time parameter. If the wait request expires before receiving a notification, Integration Server throws a ServiceException: [ISS.0086.9067] wait timed out.
If the pub.sync.wait service specifies a key for which an exclusive wait already exits, Integration Server returns a ServiceException: [ISS.0086.9065] already in exclusive wait.
If the pub.sync.wait service specifies an exclusive wait for a key for which regular wait threads already exits, Integration Server throws a ServiceException: [ISS.0086.9066] cannot obtain exclusive wait.