Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | String Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.string:messageFormat
WmPublic. Formats an array of strings into a given message pattern.
Input Parameters
String Message that includes "placeholders" where elements from argumentList are to be inserted. The message can contain any sequence of characters. Use the {n} placeholder to insert elements from argumentList, where n is the index of the element that you want to insert. For example, the following pattern string inserts elements 0 and 1 into the message:
Test results: {0} items passed, {1} items failed.
Do not use any characters except digits for n.
String List Optional. List of strings to use to populate pattern. If argumentList is not supplied, the service will not replace placeholders in pattern with actual values.
Output Parameters
String Result from substituting argumentList into pattern. If pattern is empty or null, this parameter is null.