Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | SOAP Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.soap.wsrm:createSequence
WmPublic. Sends a request to a reliable messaging destination to create a new reliable messaging sequence.
Input Parameters
consumer WebService DescriptorName
String Fully qualified name of the consumer web service descriptor for which the reliable message sequence is to be created. That is, the consumer web service descriptor that contains the reliable messaging destination endpoint information.
The consumer web service descriptor must have a reliable messaging policy attached or must be created from a reliable messaging policy annotated WSDL.
String Specifies the port that Integration Server uses to resolve the endpoint address with which the reliable messaging sequence is to be established.
String Optional. Unique key to identify the message sequence. A reliable messaging client associates a sequence key to a message sequence based on the endpoint URL to which the message sequence is directed. In cases where there are several message sequences directed to the same endpoint URL, you can specify a custom sequence key to identify each sequence. Each sequence is then uniquely identified by the endpoint URL and the user-specified sequence key.
The user-specified sequence key should not exceed 32 characters in length.
Document Optional. Consumer response endpoint address to which the reliable message destination must send the acknowledgment. To specify the consumer response endpoint address, use the Response endpoint address template binder property of the consumer web service descriptor for which the reliable message sequence is to be created, as the address template and replace the placeholders <server> and <port> with appropriate values.
If no address is specified as acksTo, the acknowledgment messages are sent back to the requester.
Document Document specifying the address to which the acknowledgment is to be sent.
String Address to which the acknowledgment is to be sent.
Document Optional. Transport-level credentials to include in the request. Integration Server uses the information provided in auth to create the SOAP request.
Information specified in auth overwrites any authentication credentials specified in the consumer endpoint alias that is assigned to the binder.
Document Optional. Transport level authorization parameters to include in the HTTP request. Integration Server uses the information specified in the transport variable to populate the Authorization header in the HTTP request.
You only need to provide credentials in transport if the endpoint URL specifies HTTPS and you want to overwrite the credentials specified in the consumer endpoint alias assigned to the binder.
String Optional. Type of authentication required by the reliable messaging client. If type is not specified, Integration Server uses Basic.
If any value other than Basic is specified, Integration Server ignores the credentials provided in user, pass, and serverCerts.
String Optional. User name used to authenticate the reliable messaging client at the HTTP or HTTPS transport level on the reliable messaging server.
String Optional. Password used to authenticate the reliable messaging client to the reliable messaging server.
Document Optional. The private key and certificate chain of the message signer.
*keyStoreAlias String Alias to the keystore that contains the private key used to securely connect to the reliable messaging server.
*keyAlias String Alias to the key in the keystore that contains the private key used to connect to the reliable messaging server securely. The key must be in the keystore specified in keyStoreAlias.
String Optional. Time (in milliseconds) to wait for a response from the reliable messaging server before timing out and terminating the request.
If timeout is not specified, or a value less than 0 is specified, Integration Server uses the value of the watt.server.SOAP.request.timeout server property.
For more information about server configuration properties, see IBM webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
A timeout value of 0 means Integration Server waits for a response indefinitely. If the connection to the reliable messaging server ends before Integration Server receives a response, the service ends with an exception and a status code of 408.
String Optional. URL to use as the endpoint URL for the web service. If supplied, the value of _url overwrites the endpoint URL in the original WSDL.
Document Optional. Transport header fields that you want to explicitly set in the request issued by the reliable messaging client.
Specify a key in transportHeaders for each header field that you want to set. The key name represents the name of the header field and the key value represents the value of that header field. The names and values supplied to transportHeaders must be of type String. For information about using transportHeaders, including a description of the default Integration Server behavior, see Signature for a Web Service Connector.
Output Parameters
String Unique identifier returned by Integration Server and associated with each message sequence.
The serverSequenceId is used as the input parameter of pub.soap.wsrm:closeSequence, pub.soap.wsrm:sendAcknowledgementRequest, pub.soap.wsrm:terminateSequence, and pub.soap.wsrm:waitUntilSequenceCompleted services.
Document Conditional. Contents of the fault block.
The fault document references the pub.soap.utils:soapFault document type.
Document Conditional. Headers from response and request messages.
The contents of transportInfo vary depending on the actual transport used by the service.
The transport information returned by this service is similar to the transport information returned by a web service connector. For more information, see About Transport and Fault Information Returned by a Web Service Connector.
The transportInfo parameter contains the following keys:
Document Conditional. Header fields from the request message issued by the reliable messaging source.
Document Conditional. Header fields from the response.
Each key in responseHeaders represents a field (line) of the response header. Key names represent the names of header fields. The key values are Strings containing the values of the fields.
Whether or not the service returns the responseHeaders parameter depends on the success or failure of the service. In the case of failure, the point at which the failure occurs determines the presence of the responseHeaders parameter.
Document Conditional. Status code from the request.
Document Conditional. Description of the status code returned by the underlying transport.