Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | SOAP Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.soap.utils:convertToVersionSpecificSOAPFault
WmPublic. Converts the generic SOAP fault structure to the SOAP version-specific fault structure that is used by web service descriptors created in versions of Integration Server prior to 8.2.
Input Parameters
String Optional. SOAP protocol with which the SOAP fault to convert works. Valid values are SOAP 1.1 Protocol or SOAP 1.2 Protocol. The default is SOAP 1.2 Protocol.
Document The generic SOAP fault that is to be converted.
The fault document references the pub.soap.utils:soapFault document type.
Output Parameters
Document Document containing the converted SOAP fault.
String Indicates the SOAP protocol to which the SOAP object works. This is the same as the soapProtocol input parameter. Valid values are SOAP 1.1 Protocol or SOAP 1.2 Protocol.
Document Conditional. Converted fault information. Faut_1_1 and its child variables are populated only when soapProtocol is SOAP 1.1 Protocol.
String Conditional. A code that identifies the fault. This field corresponds to the SOAP 1.1 faultcode element.
This field is set based on the value of the code/namespaceName field of the fault input parameter.
When namespaceName contains:
*, which is the standard namespace name for a SOAP 1.1 Envelope, faultcode is set to the following:
*Any other value, faultcode is set to the following:
In the above, localName is the value of the code/localName field and namespaceName is value of the code/namespaceName field of the fault input parameter
String Conditional. A human readable explanation of the fault. This field corresponds to the SOAP 1.1 faultstring element.
The service maps the *body value from the first reasons document of the fault input parameter.
String Conditional. Information about the cause of the fault. This field corresponds to the SOAP 1.1 faultactor element.
The service maps the value from the role field of the fault input parameter.
Document Conditional. Application-specific details about the SOAP fault. This field corresponds to the SOAP 1.1 detail element.
The service maps the value from the detail field of the fault input parameter.
Document Conditional. Converted fault information. Fault_1_2 and its child variables are populated only when soapProtocol is SOAP 1.2 Protocol.
Document Conditional. Contains the fault code.
String A code that identifies the fault. This corresponds to the SOAP 1.2 Code element.
This field is set based on the value of the code/namespaceName field of the fault input parameter. When namespaceName contains:
*, which is, the standard namespace name for a SOAP 1.2 Envelope, faultcode is set to the following:
*Any other value, faultcode is set to the following:
In the above, localName is the value of the code/localName field and namespaceName is value of the code/namespaceName field of the fault input parameter
Document Conditional. Document containing the reason for the SOAP fault. This corresponds to the SOAP 1.2 Reason element.
Document Conditional. Document containing the human readable explanation of the cause of the fault. The service maps the first document of the reasons field of the fault input parameter.
StringConditional.Specifies the language for the human readable description. This field corresponds to the xml:lang attribute of the Text child element of the SOAP1.2 Reason element.
String Conditional. Text explaining the cause of the fault. This field corresponds to the Text child element of the SOAP 1.2 Reason element.
String Conditional. URI to the SOAP node where the fault occurred. This field corresponds to the SOAP 1.2 Node element.
The service maps the value from the node field of the fault input parameter.
String Conditional. Role in which the node was operating at the point the fault occurred. This field corresponds to the SOAP 1.2 Role element.
The service maps the value from the role field of the fault input parameter.
Document Conditional. Application- specific details about the SOAP fault. This field corresponds to the SOAP 1.2 Detail element.
The service maps the value from the detail field of the fault input parameter.
Usage Notes
The following are instances where Integration Server generates a generic SOAP fault structure that you might want to convert to a SOAP version-specific fault structure:
*The fault output parameter from a web service connector generated from a web service descriptor created in Integration Server 8.2.
*The soapFault output parameter from the pub.soap.handler:getFaultBlock service.
The following lists instances where the service might not be able to convert all data in the generic SOAP fault structure to a corresponding field in the output.
*The data in the code/subcodes field of the fault input parameter does not map to any output parameter. As a result, the service does not convert the data for either the SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 protocol.
*The service might not be able to map all the data in the reasons field of the fault input parameter to the corresponding output parameters. The reasons field is a Document List that can represent the reason in multiple languages. However, the output can represent only a single value.
*For the SOAP 1.1 protocol, the service maps the *body from the first Document of the fault/reasons input parameter to the Fault_1_1/faultstring output parameter.
*For the SOAP 1.2 protocol, the service maps only the first Document of the fault/reasons to the output parameter Fault_1_2/SOAP-ENV:Reason/SOAP-Env:Text.
*The data in the node field of the fault input parameter does not map to any element of the Fault_1_1 output parameter. As a result, the service does not convert the value for the SOAP 1.1 protocol.
See Also