Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | SOAP Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.soap.handler:removeHeaderElement
WmPublic. Deprecated - Replaced by pub.soap.handler:removeHeaderBlock.
Removes a header element (block) from a SOAP message.
Input Parameters
Object Message context that contains the SOAP message from which to remove a header element (block).
A message context contains properties for the SOAP message as well as providing access to the SOAP message. Integration Server creates the message context and passes it to the header handler. All handlers invoked by a given instance of a SOAP request or SOAP response use the same message context. This enables you to use the message context to pass information between handlers.
Object Qualified name of the header element (block) to remove. The QName document references the pub.soap.utils:QName document type.
Output Parameters
String Indicates whether Integration Server successfully removed the header element. A value of:
*True indicates that Integration Server removed the header element.
*False indicates that Integration Server did not remove the header element because the SOAP message did not contain a header element that matched the provided QName.
See Also