Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | SOAP Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.soap.handler:getBodyBlock
WmPublic. Retrieves a body block from a SOAP message.
Input Parameters
Object Message context containing the SOAP message from which to retrieve the body block.
A message context contains properties for the SOAP message and provides access to the SOAP message. Integration Server creates the message context and passes it to the handler. All handlers invoked by a given instance of a SOAP request or SOAP response use the same message context, which enables you to use the message context to pass information among handlers.
String Optional. Fully qualified name of the IS document type that specifies the structure of the SOAP body block to be retrieved from the SOAP message.
Specify a document type that Integration Server created while creating the consumer or the WSDL first provider web service descriptor or one that was created using the pub.soap.handler:generateDocumentTypesFromWSDL service.
If you do not specify a document type, the service performs a literal conversion of body block; that is, the conversion will not consider style or use.
String Optional. Flag that indicates whether you want the service to validate the document returned in the outputBodyBlock/bodyDocument parameter against the IS document type specified in the documentType input parameter. If you do not use documentType to specify an IS document type, the validation will fail.
Set validate to:
*true to validate the body block. If the validation fails, an exception is thrown.
*false to skip validating the body block. This is the default.
Output Parameters
Document Contents of the body block.
Document Qualified name for the web service wrapper that wraps the XML payload. The service only returns operationQName for RPC/Encoded and RPC/Literal services.
The operationQName document references the pub.soap.utils:QName document type.
String Namespace name for the web service operation.
String Name of the web service operation on which the handler is being written.
Contents of the body block. If documentType was specified, the service uses the IS document type to determine the structure of bodyDocument. Otherwise, the service performs a literal conversion of body block; that is, the conversion will not consider style or use.
See Also