Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | Publish Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.publish.notification:error
WmPublic. Publishable document type that defines the document that Integration Server generates and delivers when a trigger encounters an error or exception condition during processing.
Note:Integration Server does not generate and return and error message when the trigger received a document from Universal Messaging.
Integration Server generates an error document if the trigger service cannot successfully process a document for one of the following reasons:
*The trigger service encounters an exception condition (that is not an ISRuntimeException) during execution.
*Integration Server makes the maximum number of attempts to re-execute the trigger service and the service still fails because of a transient error condition.
*Some other system exception occurred.
Note:Integration Server does not generate an error document if the subscribing trigger is part of a disabled process model version because the trigger service associated with a disabled process model version never executes.
Integration Server delivers the error document to the client ID specified in the errorsTo field contained in the received document's envelope. If the errorsTo field is empty, the Integration Server delivers the error document to the original document's publisher (as specified in the pubId envelope field). The error document notifies the publisher or other designated recipient that the subscriber cannot process the document successfully.
If a trigger service cannot process a locally published document successfully, Integration Server produces and delivers an error document only if the Integration Server is connected to IBM webMethods Broker.
String Optional. The resource producing the error. Integration Server sets the value of this field to Integration Server .
String Optional. Type of exception. Integration Server sets the value of this field to Application.
String Optional. Exception text message. At Dispatcher debug level 9, a stack trace of the exception will also be returned.
java.lang.Long Optional. The event ID of the document that caused this exception. If the trigger service executed because a document satisfied a join condition, then the eventID is the event ID of the last document that satisfied the condition.
Document Optional. A document reference to the pub.publish:envelope document type.
Usage Notes
The client to which Integration Server delivers the error document needs to subscribe to the pub.publish.notification:error document type. If the client does not have a trigger that subscribes to this document type, the client will never receive or process the error document. If the client receiving the error document is an Integration Server, it generates the message [ISS.0098.0024V2] No trigger available for incoming Document pub.publish.notification:error.
The watt.server.messaging.deliverNotificationErrors server configuration parameter specifies whether Integration Server generates and delivers pub.publish.notifcation.error messages. When set to true, Integration Server generates and delivers pub.publish.notification:error messages when an error or exception condition during IBM webMethods messaging triggerprocessing. The generation and delivery of notification error messages may result in the generation of Adapter:Error events. When set to false, Integration Serverdoes not generate or deliver pub.publish.notification:error messages. The notification error messages are suppressed.
See Also