Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | MIME Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.mime:createMimeData
WmPublic. Creates a MIME object.
If no input parameter is passed to this service, the service creates an empty MIME object. Otherwise, the service creates a MIME object containing the elements (header fields and content) from the MIME message in input.
*If you are building a MIME message, you use this service to create an empty MIME object. You populate the empty MIME object with header fields and content, and then pass it to pub.mime:getEnvelopeStream, which produces the finished MIME message.
*If you are extracting data from a MIME message, you use this service to parse the original MIME message into a MIME object so that you can extract its header fields and content using other webMethods services.
Input Parameters
input or javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage. Optional. MIME entity you want to parse. If input is not provided, createMimeData creates an empty MIME object.
Document. Optional. Specifies header fields that you want to add to the MIME object. Key names represent the names of the header fields. The values of the keys represent the values of the header fields.
This parameter is ignored when input is passed to this service.
For example, if you wanted to add the following header fields:
X-Doctype: RFQ
X-Severity: 10
You would set mimeHeader as follows:
Be aware that the following MIME headers are automatically inserted by pub.mime:getEnvelopeStream when it generates the MIME message:
If you set these values in mimeHeader, pub.mime:getEnvelopeStream will overwrite them at run time.
String. Optional. String that specifies the subtype portion of the Content Type header, when the message is a multipart message and \you want something other than the default value of mixed. For example, if you want the Content Type header to be multipart/related in the resulting message, set subType to related.
subType is ignored if the resulting message is not a multipart message.
String. Optional. Specifies how the MIME header is to be decoded.
Set to:
*" "(empty String) to decode headers based on the value of the global watt property watt.server.mime.decodeHeaders. This is the default.
*NONE to specify that the MIME header or body part headers do not need decoding.
*ONLY_MIME_HEADER to decode the MIME header only.
*ONLY_BODY_PART_HEADERS to decode the body part headers only.
*BOTH to decode the MIME header and the body part headers.
Output Parameters
Document MIME object. If input was passed to createMimeData, mimeData will contain the parsed MIME message. If input was not passed to createMimeData, mimeData will be empty.
String. Conditional. Indicates whether input was an encrypted message. This parameter is not present when the service creates a new, empty MIME object. A value of:
*true indicates that the message is encrypted (the original message stream is in stream).
*false indicates that the message is not encrypted.
String. Conditional. Flag whose value indicates whether input was a signed message. This parameter is not present when the service creates a new, empty MIME object. A value of:
*true indicates that the message is signed (the original message stream is in stream).
*false indicates that the message is not signed.
String. Conditional. Flag whose value indicates whether input contained only digital certificates. (This type of message can be produced by the pub.smime:createCertsOnlyData service and allows digital certificates to be transported via the network as a MIME message.) This parameter is not present when the service creates a new, empty MIME object. A value of:
*true indicates that the message contains only certificates.
*false indicates that the message contains a regular payload.
stream Conditional. InputStream containing the original MIME message from input. This parameter is present only when input is an S/MIME message.
Usage Notes
All of the other MIME services operate on the mimeData IData object produced by this service. They do not operate directly on MIME message streams.
You can examine the contents of mimeData during testing and debugging. However, because the internal structure of mimeData is subject to change without notice, do not explicitly set or map data to/from these elements in your service. To manipulate or access the contents of mimeData, use only the MIME services that Integration Server provides.
For general information about MIME messages and using the MIME services, see the MIME-S/MIME Developer’s Guide.
See Also