Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | Flow Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.flow:setAuditLogFields
WmPublic. Sets the service auditing properties for one or more custom services.
Input Parameters
Document List. One or more custom services for which you want to set the service auditing properties. Set the following fields for each custom service.
String. Specify the fully qualified name of the service for which you want to set the service auditing properties.
You can use pub.flow:setAuditLogFields to set service auditing properties for a custom service only.
String. Determines when service auditing is performed for the service specified in nsName. Set to:
*topLevelService to generate audit data only when a client request or a trigger invokes the service. The service does not generate audit data when it is invoked by another service (that is, when it is a nested service).
*always to generate audit data every time the service executes. Select this option if the service is a critical service that you want to audit every time it executes.
*never to never generate audit data. Select this option if you do not want to audit this service. This is the default.
String. Specifies when the service logs the audit data. Set to:
*onError to log audit data only when the service execution fails.
*errorAndSuccess to log audit data when the service execution ends because of success or failure.
*always to log audit data when the service execution starts and ends because of success or failure.
String. Specifies when Integration Server should include a copy of the input pipeline in the service log.
*onError to log pipeline data only when the service execution fails.
*always to log pipeline data when the service execution starts and ends because of success or failure.
To log pipeline data in the service log always, set logOn to always.
*never to never log pipeline data. This is the default.
Configure the service to save a copy of the input pipeline only if you intend to re-invoke the service using the re-submission capabilities of IBM webMethods Monitor.
Output Parameters
Document List. The following parameters are displayed for each custom service specified in the input.
String. The custom service for which you set the audit properties.
String. Indicates whether the service auditing properties for the service are successfully updated or not.
String. If the pub.flow:setAuditLogFields service execution is successful, the message indicates that the audit properties for the custom service are successfully updated. Otherwise, the message provides the reason for failure.
Usage Notes
In Designer, you can set the audit logging properties for a custom service in the Properties panel > Audit category. However, you can set the properties only for a single service at a time. The pub.flow:setAuditLogFields public service enables you to set the properties for multiple custom services at a time with or without Designer.
Consider the following points to run the pub.flow:setAuditLogFields service successfully.
*The custom service must be locked for editing. Otherwise, the pub.flow:setAuditLogFields service fails. For more information about locking and unlocking elements, see IBM webMethods Service Development Help.
*An invalid or incorrect custom service name in the nsName parameter leads to an error. Similarly, if the service name is not fully qualified or is a system service, the pub.flow:setAuditLogFields service fails.