Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | Event Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.event:auditInfo
WmPublic. Document type for audit event information.
String Date and time that the event occurred, in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z (for example, "2004-10-28 14:46:39 EDT").
You can set the format for the time parameter in the watt.server.dateStampFmt property.
String Server thread that generated the audit event in hashed format. The TID is generated by calling the Java Thread.currentThread().hashCode() method.
String Fully qualified name of the service that generated the event.
String Session ID of the service that generated the event.
String Description of the audit point.
*Started indicates that this event marks the beginning of a service.
*Ended indicates that this event marks the end of a service that executed successfully.
*Failed indicates that this event marks the end of a service that executed unsuccessfully (that is, threw an exception) and is not configured to retry. A failed event also marks the end of a service that executed unsuccessfully after exhausting all of its retries.
*Retried indicates that this event is created each time a service is retried.
Document Optional. The pipeline that was passed to the service. This parameter is required only if the service is configured to include the pipeline when auditing.
String User ID that invoked the service that generated the event.
Usage Notes
Use the watt.server.event.audit.async server parameter to indicate whether event handlers for audit events are invoked synchronously or asynchronously. When this parameter is set to true, Integration Server invokes the event handlers that subscribe to audit events asynchronously. When this parameter is set to false, Integration Server invokes the event handlers that subscribe to audit events synchronously. The default is true (asynchronous).