Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | Db Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.db:update
WmDB. Updates all rows in a table that meet the given criteria. Rows are updated with the supplied new data. As an alternative to this service, consider using the services provided with the IBM webMethods Adapter for JDBC.
Input Parameters
You may specify the connection parameters in one of the following ways:
*$dbURL, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbDriver
String Optional. Database alias.
String Optional. JDBC URL that identifies the database resource.
String Optional. User name to use to log into the database.
String Optional. Password for the user.
String Optional. Name of the JDBC driver to use.
$dbConnection Optional. Connection object returned by pub.db:connect.
String Optional. Name of the database's system catalog. Include this parameter if your DBMS supports distributed databases and you want to update rows in a table that is not in the database to which you are connected.
If you are not using a distributed database system or if you want to update rows in the database to which you are connected, you do not need to specify this parameter.
If you are running against DB2, you use this parameter to specify the database location.
String Optional. Name of the schema to which the table belongs.
If your database supports pattern-matching on schemas, you may specify the schema name with a pattern-matching string, where _ represents a single character and % represents any string of characters. For example, the value HR% would represent any schema beginning with the characters HR.
If you are running against DB2, you use this parameter to specify the table's AuthID.
String Name of table to update.
Document Criteria that the rows to update must meet.
If no criteria are provided, all rows are updated.
Document New data with which to update rows.
Output Parameters
String Number of rows updated.
String Conditional. Message indicating the operation failed.