Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | Client Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.client:soapHTTP
WmPublic. Deprecated - There is no replacement service.
Submits a SOAP message to a server via HTTP or HTTPS.
Input Parameters
Object SOAP message that is to be sent. This object must be produced with the services in the soap folder. See the Usage Notes for more information.
String URL to which you want the SOAP message sent. For example:
Document Optional. Parameters specifying the credentials that are to be submitted to the server specified in address. Each element is defined as follows:
String Type of authentication that the service will perform. Leave this field blank, as the only option currently available is basic HTTP authentication.
String User name that this service will use if one is requested.
String Password that this service will submit if one is requested.
String Optional. Indicates whether or not the response message is to be validated against the SOAP schema. Set to:
*true to validate the response message and throw an exception if the response does not conform to the SOAP schema.
*false to bypass the validation process. This is the default.
String Optional. Value to which you want to set the SOAPAction HTTP header.
String Optional. Specifies the value of Content-Type in the HTTP header. Set to:
*text/xml; charset="utf-8" to specify the content type as XML and the character encoding of the message text as UTF-8. This is the default.
*text/xml to specify the content type as XML. Since the charset parameter is not specified, the character encoding of the message text defaults to US-ASCII.
String Optional. Specifies the format of the soapResponseData. Default value is stream for an HTTP service and byteArrayStream for an HTTPS service. Set to:
*stream to return the body of the response as a Use this option when you will invoke an HTTP web service. This is the default for an HTTP service.
*bytes to return the body of the response as a byte[ ]. Use this option if the body will be used as input to a service that operates on whole HTML or XML documents (for example, pub.xml:queryXMLNode).
*byteArrayStream to have the response stream fully read and converted to This prevents data loss or a truncated SOAP response if the connection closes prematurely. Use this option when you will invoke an HTTPS web service. This is the default for an HTTPS service.
String Optional. Time (measured in milliseconds) to wait for a response from the remote server before timing out and terminating the request. The default value is to wait forever.
String Default character set for encoding SOAP message. Specify an IANA-registered character set (for example, ISO-8859-1). The default is UTF-8.
The encoding parameter is used to override the encoding determined by the watt.server.netEncoding server configuration parameter. For more information about watt.server.netEncoding, see IBM webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide .
Output Parameters
Object The SOAP response message returned by the server specified in address.
Document Conditional. Headers from the HTTP response. Will contain the following keys:
Document Header fields from the HTTP response. Each key in lines represents a field (line) of the response header. Key names represent the names of header fields. The keys' values are Strings containing the values of the fields.
String Status code from the HTTP response.
String Status message from the HTTP response.
String Flag indicating whether the SOAP request message was processed successfully.
A value of...
Indicates that...
The remote server successfully processed the SOAP request and returned a SOAP response message.
The remote server returned a SOAP fault, indicating that the SOAP request was received but was not processed successfully.
The server returned an error that was not a SOAP fault. This indicates that some type of HTTP error occurred (often, an HTTP 404). You can check the status element in header to determine the type of HTTP error that occurred.
Usage Notes
This pub.client:soapHTTP service is deprecated. There is not a replacement service.
If address begins with https:, you can use to specify the certificate chain. If you do not specify a certificate chain, pub.client:soapHTTP uses the default outbound SSL certificate settings to authenticate the resources.
To send a SOAP message with this service, you must first generate an empty SOAP object with the pub.soap.utils:createSoapData service and then populate it using services such as pub.soap.utils:addHeaderEntry and pub.soap.utils:addBodyEntry.
If the Docker image for a Microservices Runtime excludes the web services functionality, then the Docker image for the Microservices Runtime running in the Docker container cannot execute the pub.client:soapHTTPservice. Attempts to execute pub.client:soapHTTP result in a ServiceException.
See Also