Integration Server 11.1 | Built-In Services Reference Guide | Client Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.client.ldap:search
WmPublic. Performs an LDAP search operation with the specified parameters and returns the results of the search.
Input Parameters
String Optional. URL of the LDAP server to connect to.
String Optional. The principal for the LDAP server.
String Optional. Credentials for the LDAP server.
String Optional. Connection timeout in milliseconds.
The default value is 30000 milliseconds.
Record Optional. Key/value parameters to be passed to JNDI to further define the connection environment. See your JNDI provider documentation or the Oracle JNDI documentation for more information about parameters you can pass to JNDI.
String Flag that specifies whether to close the connection after the service finishes. Set to:
*yes to close the connection. This is the default.
If the close parameter is set to "yes", the connectionHandle parameter must also be mapped.
*no to leave the connection open and available.
String The distinguished name indicating the root from to begin the search.
Object Required if the close parameter is set to "yes", otherwise it is optional. Connection object returned by a previously invoked LDAP service.
String The scope of the search. Must be "object" (only search the specified directory entry), "onelevel" (only search the immediate children of the specified directory entry), or "subtree" (search the directory entry, its children, and all their children).
String The filter string that works with RFC 2254.
String Optional. The maximum number of results to return (0, the default, indicates no limit).
String Optional. The number of entries to return in a page.
String Optional. The number of milliseconds to wait for the search to complete (0, the default, indicates to wait forever).
Record Optional. A list of attribute names to return (an empty array indicates that no results should be returned. A null array, the default, indicates that all attributes should be returned).
String Optional. Specifies whether or not objects associated with the results should be returned. Can be "yes" or "no". The default is "no".
String Optional. Whether to return the symbolic link to the entry or the entry itself. Can be "yes"/"no". The default is "yes", which returns the entry to which the link points.
String Optional. Whether to return results as a list. Set to:
*Yes to return results as a Document List containing Documents (IData). The results are returned in the resultsList output parameter.
*No (the default) to return results as a Document containing Documents. The results are returned in the results output parameter.
byte[] Optional. Contains the index of the page count for the search.
Output Parameters
Object Optional. The returned connection object. Returned only if the close parameter is set to No.
byte[] Optional. Contains the index of the page count for the search.
Document Conditional. The returned results of the search. Returned only if isDocumentList is set to No.
Document List Conditional. Returned only if isDocumentList is set to Yes.
Usage Notes
To see if no match was found, check for either:
*A results parameter that does not contain a key-value pair.
*A resultsList parameter with a size of 0.
When close is set to yes, Integration Server removes the connectionHandle from the pipeline, but does not close the LDAP connection. To close the LDAP connection, set the watt.server.ldap.cleanContext server configuration parameter to true. For information about the watt.server.ldap.cleanContext server configuration parameter, see IBM webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.